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"Stop! Stop it I don't know anything!" Komaeda shouted. He didn't even know how long this had been going on at this point.

"Ahaha... the despair on your face makes me feel all... ahhh... happy!" Enoshima hugged herself as she watched him suffer. His ribs hurt from laughing and his legs were getting tired from standing.

"Just tell us what you know," The man ordered, taking a few steps towards him. Komaeda furrowed his eyebrows and kicked him in the stomach with his knee. The man didn't seem all that affected. "You're quite stubborn... how interesting," He said, despite sounding bored out of his mind.

Suddenly, the window crashed and the crow flew inside. "Leave him alone." He demanded, voice calm but obviously angry. He shot a sphere at Enoshima and grabbed the wrist of the man that stood in front of Komaeda. He lifted him up and hit him on the floor several times. Then, he ripped the chains around Komaeda's wrists apart and picked him up. He left again, through the window.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he flew towards his house.

"No... my body hurts..." Komaeda buried his face in his chest.

"I'm sorry for not being there earlier. Finding you was hard," He explained, landing in front of Komaeda's home. He flew inside through the garden door which was still open and carried Komaeda to his bed. "What did they want from you?"

"Information... about you,"

"Shit... I'm so sorry. That was all my fault," He muttered.

"Nope." Komaeda sat up. "It wasn't,"

Yumi ran into the room and jumped onto Komaeda, licking his face. The pale boy pat her head. "I don't wanna be alone right now..." He whispered.

"I... I can't stay here tonight, I'm sorry. How about you text one of your friends?"

"Please stay," Komaeda pleaded. "Please." He grabbed his hand. "I-I'm scared,"

"I'm sorry, Komaeda. Maybe some other time. I, uh, know one of your friends, actually. I'll ask him to come over, okay?"

"I guess... who is it?"


Komaeda's eyes lit up. "You know Hinata-kun?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna go tell him to come here, okay? I promise it won't take long,"

"Mhm. Uhm, hey,"

"Do you need anything else?"

"Do you... do you like me?" Komaeda asked, blushing.

Hinata's cheeks heated up. Then, he regained his confidence. "Maybe I do. You're a real cutie, Komaeda." He ruffled his hair, said goodbye and left.

Only a few minutes later, Hinata rang his doorbell and Komaeda let him inside.

"Hey there. Uhm, Crow told me what happened. Are you alright?" He said.

Komaeda fiddled with his hoodie strings and looked away from Hinata. The brunet sighed.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. How about we do something that with help you get distracted, hm?"

Komaeda nodded.

"So, what do you wanna do?"

"Could we maybe... cook something?"

"Sure." Hinata took off his jacket and hung it up. "What do you wanna cook?"

"Something simple. Hmm... spaghetti!" He said, smiling. They both went into the kitchen and Komaeda got out a pot and noodles. He filled the pot up with water and heated it up. He added salt and put the noodles into the pot. Then, both of them waited.

"Can you get the ketchup from the fridge, Hinata-kun?"

"Yeah, sure." He opened the fridge and picked the bottle up. "It's empty," He noticed.

"Oh no... what do I do?"

"We can buy a new one? Or pick a different sauce,"

"Nooo!" Komaeda exclaimed, slightly startling Hinata. "If we leave, the noodles won't be supervised. If we wait for them to be done, they'll be cold once we come back and i don't want a different sauce... I'm so unlucky..." He sighed.

"I can go buy ketchup while you make noodles," Hinata offered.

"I don't wanna be alone..."

"We can wait for them to be done, buy ketchup and then reheat them,"

"Woaaaah! You're so clever, Hinata-kun!" Komaeda's eyes sparkled.

Hinata let out an inner sigh. Komaeda was a smart guy, but that was just plain stupid of him. He was clearly very stressed out and out of it. Hinata put his hands on Komaeda's shoulders.


"Do you want a massage?"


"You're tense. Do you need help with that?" Hinata asked slowly.

Komaeda fiddled with his hoodie strings again. "I-I... I... can I... uhm..."

"What is it?"

"Can I hug you?" He asked.

"Of course." Hinata opened his arms and Komaeda hugged him tightly. Hinata pat his back and told him it would be okay. Komaeda held back tears. He hated crying but he was so scared.

After a minute or so, the pale boy pulled away from the hug. He still looked skittish.

"From a great despair comes a great hope. You'll be fine, it was for the greater good," He whispered.

"Hm? What did you say?" Hinata asked.

"Nothing." Komaeda let out a chuckle. "I feel much better now!" He smiled brightly. It was his usual cheerful smile with no trace of nervousness or fright.

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now