5 | Sports

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Hinata was looking for a partner. Today was Hope's Peak's sports festival day and everyone had to work with a partner.

"Komaeda, you don't have a partner yet, right?" He asked.

"I don't, but I'm very unathletic. I'd just slow you down. You should find someone else," Komaeda said.

"I'm sure that's not even true,"

"It is! I don't want you to lose because of trash like me. Please, go look for a different partner,"

"Uh... okay?"

Komaeda and Hinata looked around and both noticed that only Hanamura was standing alone.

"A-actually, I'd love to team up with you, Hinata-kun," Komaeda said.


First up was the team race. Hinata tied his and Komaeda's ankles together and got into position.

"Start running with the leg that isn't tied up, okay?"

"Mhm!" Komaeda nodded.

Everyone began running, but after a while, Komaeda was too exhausted to go on. "Hinata-kun... I told you..."

Hinata still did have his super strength, so he simply put his arm under Komaeda's armpit and lifted him up just enough so that Komaeda's foot, the one that wasn't tied to him, wasn't touching the ground anymore. He ran again and Komaeda just stared at him in disbelief.

The both of them ended up winning first place in the race. Hinata untied their legs as Komaeda laid on the floor, feeling like he was gonna die.

"Need... water..." He muttered. Hinata helped him up and handed him a water bottle. Komaeda almost emptied the entire thing.

"Good job, Komaeda." Hinata put a hand on his shoulder.

"You did all the work..." Komaeda said, still panting.

The next contest was dodge ball with wrists tied together. All the students got ready and the game began. Hinata immediately hit a bunch of people. He was fast at throwing and had a good aim. After only a few minutes, the only ones that were left were Hinata, Komaeda and four students from the opposite team.

The opponents had noticed that Komaeda really sucked at sports so they began mercilessly throwing all the balls at him. Komaeda yelped and did his best to dodge them.

Hinata hit one student and their team left. Now it was two vs. two.

"Watch out!" Komaeda yelled as another ball flew into their direction. He used all his strength to pull him and Hinata out of the way.

"That was close..." Hinata grabbed the ball and threw it at the other student.

"The winners are Hinata and Komaeda! Again..." Sakakura shouted through the megaphone.

"Yay, we did it!" Komaeda cheered.

The last contest was weight lifting. Komaeda had noodle arms. Not a good combo.

"Mmm... I r-really can't lift a-anymore tha-than this..!" Komaeda said through gritted teeth.

Hinata simply stared at him. "Are you sure your arms are okay? Because that really isn't that heavy,"

Komaeda put down the weight. "Yeah, just rub it in that I'm weak..." He grumbled.

"I didn't mean it like that! Well... kind of, but not in a mean way!" Hinata promised.

"You do it then if it's so easy!" Komaeda ordered.

Hinata grinned. Now was his time to shine. He could easily pick up an entire car with one arm if he tried. Hinata picked up the weight with one hand. Then, he grabbed another one. "It really isn't hard. I'm sure I could lift anything in this room,"

"Oh yeah? Try Nidai-kun's weight then!" Komaeda said.

"As you wish." He walked up to Nidai and asked to borrow his weight for a moment. Then, he picked it up with one arm.

"H-how?!" Nidai shrieked. "That's hard, even for me!"

Hinata put it down again, chuckling. This was fun. He walked back towards Komaeda, who was in shock.

"Look, the weight of the things we lift are our points and they'll be added together once we're done. You can just sit back and relax while I do the work, okay?"

"But I wanna help you!"

"I mean you can if you want." He shrugged. "I'm not stopping you. Actually, can I try to pick you up?"

"M-me?" Komaeda blushed. "If you insist..."

Hinata smiled and easily picked him up princess style. "Woah! You're way lighter than expected!"

"Hey, that's embarrassing!" Komaeda whisper-yelled. Hinata laughed and put him down again.

"Pick me up too." Nidai ordered. "I wanna see you try,"

"Alright." Hinata easily managed to hold him up in the air too. Nidai gasped.

"How the hell-?!"

Komaeda's eyes sparkled. 'Hinata-kun is so amazing!' He thought.

Of course, they won that contest too, which made both of them the winners of the sports festival. Komaeda was really excited about it since he'd never won any contest.

After they changed out of their p.e. uniforms, everyone was allowed to go home. Hinata decided to approach Komaeda.

"Hey, uh... do you wanna go eat lunch together?"

Komaeda blushed. "You'd really ask trash like me? What an honor! I would love to!"

"Cool, let's go."

In the evening, Komaeda talked to Yumi again. "Today was so amazing! I got to spend so much time with Hinata-kun! I think we really are friends!" He told her.

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now