3 | Introducing: Komaeda Nagito

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(Komaeda's p.o.v.)

Hello there! My name is Komaeda Nagito and I'm 18 years old. I attend high school and I'm Japanese. I like reading, writing, cooking and cleaning. Hmm, what else? Maybe I should talk about the people in my life. Alright!

My parents used to own some company but now they're dead. I don't have any friends except, maybe, Hinata-kun. I don't know if he sees me as a friend. Hinata-kun is kind and cool (don't tell him I said that or he'll be grossed out). But he seems sort of tired all the time. Like he doesn't see the point in living but can't find it in himself to wanna die either. He was just kind of born and now he's here. But that's sad. He's such a hopeful person! Hinata-kun likes sports, getting good grades and kusamochi.

I have a dog, Yumi. She's extremely big and fluffy and I love her. If something were to happen to Yumi, I would join my parents quicker than you can say 'dog'. I think that's all, right? I can be sort of a clutz sometimes, so I hope I didn't forget anything.

(3rd person p.o.v.)

Loud. So loud. The classroom was unbearably loud. Everyone was screaming and laughing and throwing things at each other. Komaeda was about to cover his ears when someone tapped his shoulder. It was Hinata.

"You okay?" He asked.

Komaeda sighed. "They're loud,"

Hinata let out a tired chuckle. "That's true. Do you wanna go outside for a minute? Yukizome's not there anyways,"

Komaeda nodded and got up. Hinata did the same. They both left the classroom and the pale boy let out a relieved sigh.

"What do we do now?" He asked Hinata.

"I dunno." He shrugged. "Wanna go to the vending machine?"

"Hm, yes. I'm pretty thirsty." Komaeda smiled and nodded.

They got there and Komaeda inserted the coin. Then, he sighed again.

"I put in the money and the drink won't come out. What a shame,"

Hinata kicked the machine hard. So hard it got a big dent. Several drinks began falling out.

"Woah! How'd you do that, Hinata-kun?"

"A magician never reveals his tricks." He gave Komaeda a drink.

"Thank you. Oh, and I have something for you." He handed him a box. "It's kusamochi. I saw you eating one that I made during lunch the other day, so I assumed you like them,"

"I did, thanks." Hinata took the box. "You're very talented at making food,"

Komaeda blushed. "Ah, well... Hanamura-kun helped me out a lot... but I'm happy you think so,"

After school, Komaeda sat on his bed, talking to his dog. "Can you believe it, Yumi?? He called me talented! No one's ever called me that before!"

Yumi licked his cheek.

"And he's so amazing!" He hugged her tightly. "He's kind and handsome and smart and he doesn't even know all that which is so sad! I wish I could tell him, but he'd hate me if I did... ah, life sure is cruel..."

His dog barked. Komaeda tilted his head. "What is it?" She barked again. "Are you hungry?"

She jumped up, tail wagging. "You are!" Komaeda giggled. "Let's go get you food then."

The next day after school, Komaeda ran towards his bed, where his dog usually slept.

"Yumi!! You won't believe what happened today!" He jumped onto his bed. "During p.e. Hinata-kun kept looking at me so I asked if something was wrong and he said that I just look really cute in my uniform!! Can you believe it, Yumi?? Ahhh!" He hugged her tightly and she licked his cheek. "I think... I have a crush on him. He's so amazing! How could I not? I mean, I know he would never like a piece of garbage like me back, but imagine... i-if he asked me out on a date... woah..." Komaeda smiled softly at the thought. Then, he shook his head.

"Stupid Nagito! Don't think like that! He probably just lied, he hates you!" He hit himself on the head several times. "But... I don't want him to hate me... Yumi... what do I do?"

His dog jumped on top of him and licked his face. Komaeda laughed. "Get off, you're heavy! Hahaha!"

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