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Komaeda stood in front of his door, preparing to open it for Hinata. He dressed up nicely in hopes Hinata wouldn't find his outfit weird.

He took a deep breath and opened the door. Hinata stood there, wearing casual clothes: Jeans and a button up shirt. When he saw Komaeda, his cheeks turned red.

The pale boy had decided to put on a dress. He was scared and nervous, but he wanted to do it. Hinata was kind, he wouldn't judge him, right?

"Uhm... hey," Hinata said.

"Hello!" Komaeda nervously replied.

"So, uh, I was thinking we could go to-"

Suddenly, Yumi ran out the door and jumped towards Hinata. She licked his face ans he laughed.

"Yumi, no!! Get off of him!" Komaeda yelled.

Hinata gently pushed her away and pat her head. "Good girl." He looked back at Komaeda. "Wanna get going?"


They were eating now and Komaeda looked at Hinata.

'He's so handsome and perfect...' He thought.

"We could pretend it's your birthday to get a free cake," Hinata proposed.


"At this restaurant, you get a free cake on your birthday,"

Komaeda giggled. "We can't do that, that's lying. I don't like lying,"

"Meh, whatever you say,"

"If you want cake, I can make one for you!" Komaeda offered.

"No need,"

"No, I'd love to! I enjoy baking!" He smiled.

"If you really want to then sure." Hinata shrugged. "Chocolate is my favorite,"

"I'll get it done by tomorrow!"

"You don't have to rush yourself," Hinata told him.

Komaeda crossed his arms. "No, I will," He huffed.

Suddenly, a yelp could be heard and a girl fell onto the floor. "O-ow..." She rubbed her head. Hinata hurried towards her and crouched down, taking her hand.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes... thank you." She looked at him and blushed.

He helped her up and handed her her wallet, which had fallen out of her pocket when she fell.

"There you go,"

"Thanks." She tucked a stand of hair behind her ear.

Hinata went back to his seat. "Sorry about that." He chuckled,

Komaeda smiled. He was so kind!

After a while, they left the restaurant. Komaeda wanted to hold Hinata's hand, but hesitated. Hinata probably wouldn't want that.

The pale boy turned red when Hinata grabbed his hand. What?! So he did want to?!

"What do you wanna do now?" Hinata asked, acting like he wasn't dying from embarrassment on the inside.

"Uhm... I dunno... hm..."

Suddenly, screams could be heard from a bank. Hinata looked around. "Stay here, Komaeda. I'll go check it out!"

"No! What if you get hurt?"

"I'll be careful." He then ran away. As soon as Komaeda couldn't see him anymore, he activated his suit and flew towards the bank, where he could see two men holding guns. One of them was forcing a worker to put money into a bag while the other one held a gun to a woman's head.

He shot spheres at the men, knocking both of them out. Then, he flew towards the woman.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" He asked.

She had tears streaming down and hugged him tightly. Hinata pat her back. "Sir, please call the police!" He told the bank worker.


Hinata tied the two men together and gagged them with the masks they were wearing. He also took their guns away.

"I'll get going." The crow said, slowly walking out. "See ya around!" He flew away and deactivated his suit. Then, he ran back to Komaeda.

"Hinata-kun! Thank God you're alright!" He hugged him. "I was so worried! What happened?"

"A bank robbery. I couldn't do anything about it, but the crow helped out and the police is on the way,"

"He was there? Let's go back, I wanna talk to him!"

"He already left,"

"Nooo..." Komaeda whined. "Well, whatever." He took Hinata's hand again. "Let's go to the park,"

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now