1 | Introducing: Hinata Hajime

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Art by moochisun on Instagram.

(Hinata's p.o.v.)

My name is Hinata Hajime. I'm an eighteen year old high school student from Japan. Also, I'm a superhero. It began when I was fifteen. I was walking home from school and found a rabbit plush on the ground. When I picked it up, it began talking.

It told me its name was Usami and that this city needed a superhero. She told me she'd give me her powers if I promised to do everything I can to protect the place I live. I agreed, after a while of hesitation and disbelief. Nowadays, she only appears when I'm in deep trouble or when I ask her to come visit me.

My powers aren't complicated. I can fly, shoot magic spheres and I'm super strong. I'm not a secret either. Well, kind of. No one knows that I'm the hero everyone admires, but everyone does know there is a hero. My hero name is the crow. Uncreative, I know, but who cares? People like it. People like me. And that's what I love about it.

You see, Hinata Hajime is a boring, lame, ordinary and tired high schooler. The crow is a strong, optimistic hero. I'm confident when I'm the crow. I love being a hero!

(3rd person p.o.v.)

Hinata entered the classroom, yawning. He sat down in his seat and got out the books for the first class of the day.

"Want a sip of coffee?" Nanami asked, holding a cup towards him.

He nodded and drank a bit. "Thanks,"

She only nodded and continued playing her game. Yukizome, the teacher, entered the classroom and began the lesson. Ten minutes in, the door opened.

"I'm sorry I'm late!" Komaeda exclaimed, bowing down. "I'm so ashamed. Someone like me has no right to disrupt class like this, I'm truly sorry, Yukizome-sensei,"

"It's alright, this is the first time this happened." She smiled. "And don't call yourself trash!"

He nodded and took his seat next to Hinata, who stared at him. Komaeda was so kind and sweet. Yep, Hinata had a thing for him. The superhero who saved hundreds of people everyday had a thing for the weirdo of the class.

"Hinata-kun!" The pale boy called out to him once school was over.

"Yeah?" The brunette turned around. Komaeda handed him a box. "What's in this?" Hinata asked.

"Food I made in the cooking club! I, uhm, know you like kusamochi, sooo... you know,"

Hinata smiled. "Thank you!"

"No problem!" Komaeda grinned. They both parted ways after that.

As he walked home, Hinata heard screams. He quickly pressed a button on his watch, which activated his superhero suit and flew towards the screams. There were four men surrounding a lady and holding a gun to her head. One of them was searching her bag for valuable items.

Hinata flew down and kicked the man with the gun in the head. "Go mess with someone your own size, dickhead!" He laughed as he quickly tied them up. Then, he landed.

"Ma'am would you be so kind as to call the police? I don't have my phone with me,"

"O-of course! Thank you so much!" She nodded and did what he asked. A few minutes later, the men were arrested and he left the scene. After he checked to see if anyone was there, he deactivated his suit. In the heat of the moment, he had thrown his bag behind a building. He hoped the kusamochi Komaeda made for him weren't smushed or something.

Once he arrived at home, he went into his room. He got out the box and opened it. Luckily, the food was still fine. He smiled. As he did his homework, he finished almost the whole box. He decided to take the last one to school tomorrow to eat during lunch.

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now