8 | Shopping

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Hinata was sitting at a long table, eating lunch with a few friends. Komaeda sat at a table next to them, eating lunch alone.

"There are just no hot guys at this school!" A girl complained.

"Wow thanks," Another guy muttered.

"Like, no offense, but come on! I want a tall guy with muscles and stuff! Not some twink like you,"

"You can't just say 'no offense' and then insult me!" The guy yelled. "Besides, there's plenty good-looking guys here,"

"Oh yeah? Name one,"

"Me, for example," The boy said.

Hinata sighed and shook his head, continuing to eat.

"Hinata-kun! You know a bunch of people here, right?" The girl asked. "Are any of the boys you know attractive?"

As if on reflex, he looked over at Komaeda, who didn't seem to notice it.

"That guy?! He's like, super not masculine,"

Hinata shrugged. "I think Komaeda looks nice. He's got a pretty face, kind of like a model,"

At the next table, Komaeda almost choked on his food hearing this. He turned bright red, but pretended he didn't hear anything.

"A model? That guy? You have low standards,"

"Can you just stop talking shit about people you don't even know?" He hissed. "Maybe all the guys you find ugly think the same about you, ever thought of that? People aren't born to impress you,"

"No need to be so mean!" She grumbled. "At least I try to look good. That guy obviously doesn't even brush his hair,"

"He is pretty. And his personality is better than yours too." Hinata grabbed his things and walked over to Komaeda's table. The pale boy looked up from his food.


"Can I sit with you?"

Komaeda smiled. "Of course!"

When he got home, Komaeda immediately told Yumi about what happened. "He said I have a pretty face! Me! Can you believe it? Ahaha! I'm so lucky!" He crouched down and ruffled her hair. "And guess what? He asked me to hang out tomorrow! He said we can meet up before lunch and go somewhere to eat since it'll be Saturday so we don't have school. But... there is a tiny problem." He opened his closet, revealing two school uniforms, a green jacket, a pair of jeans, a shirt and the outfit he wore last time they met up.

"I have nothing to wear. I have to go shopping, so you'll be alone for a while, 'kay? But I trust you. I know you're a good dog." He smiled and hugged her before leaving his room to go downstairs. He grabbed a backpack, his keys and a wallet. Then, he left.

Komaeda took a bus to go to the mall. He had a lot of money, but didn't spend a lot of it on himself. Since he didn't have parents, no one was there to teach him about money. He also didn't have any self-esteem however, which made him refrain from buying things for himself. He spent a bunch of money on Yumi though, making sure to only get her the best food, toys and blankets.

Today was different. He wanted to buy pretty clothes. He told himself he was doing it for Hinata so it was okay, but deep down he knew a big part of him just wanted to dress up for himself too. The pale boy entered the first clothing store he saw and looked around.

"Komaeda-san!" A voice called out to him and he turned around. There stood Sonia, Koizumi, Saionji and Tsumiki.

"Oh, what a surprise to see you guys here,"

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now