14 | Confusion

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Komaeda slammed his fists against the door over and over again until Kamukura finally opened it.


"My dog! No one's gonna feed her while I'm gone! I-if she were to starve... I don't know what I'd do with myself... you have to go feed her or I'm gonna-!"

"Alright. I'll do it now, see you later." He locked the door and left. After a few minutes, Komaeda took a hairpin out of his hair and picked the lock. Then, he opened the door and saw Hinata, still on the chair. He was asleep.

Komaeda walked towards him and began to untie him. "Hinata-kun, wake up!"

"What..?" He opened his eyes and rubbed them, yawning.

"Now's not the time to be sleepy! We have to get out!"

Hinata stood up and stretched. "How'd you leave your room?"

Komaeda grinned. "I have my ways. Now then, can you break down the door with your powers?"

"I can't use them here," Hinata explained.

The pale boy sighed. "The door has a pin code so I can't pick the lock here. There's no windows either... Hey, I have an idea!"


"When Kamukura comes back, we simply attack him! He doesn't have special powers here either, does he?"

The door swung open and Kamukura stepped inside. "How predictable. I'm dissapointed, Komaeda,"

Hinata grabbed Komaeda's hand and ran towards the exit, but Kamukura closed it before they managed to get out. The dark-haired man grabbed Komaeda's wrist and chained him to a wall like the first time he abducted him. Then, he pressed a button on the wall and the same robotic arms came towards Komaeda.

"No! No, stop it!"

"You're going to be sorry for not entertaining me- Ngh! What the-?!"

Hinata wrapped his hands around Kamukura's neck from behind. "Unchain him or I'm gonna kill you,"

The arms had already began tickling Komaeda and he couldn't stop laughing. Kamukura leaned back against Hinata, making the brunet fall back and let go of him. Komaeda kicked him in the stomach. Kamukura smiled. "Have you learned your lesson, Komaeda?"

Surprisingly, Komaeda smiled back. "Yes, I have!"

Kamukura turned off the robot arms as Hinata shot Komaeda a confused glare. The pale boy only winked in return and grinned.

Kamukura unchained Komaeda and pushed him into his room again. Hinata got tied to the chair once more. As Hinata sat in the chair, Kamukura stared at him.

"Stop looking at me, shithead!" Hinata shouted.

"Or what?"

Hinata was trying to think of a response when Komaeda knocked on the door of his room. Kamukura stood up and opened the door.

"Can you please come in?" Komaeda asked with pleading eyes, putting on the most innocent voice possible.

"Is there something you need?"

Komaeda fiddled with Kamukura's tie. "Kind of, yeah..." He shyly replied.

Kamukura went inside the room and closed the door. Hinata didn't hear anything from in there for a few minutes. Then, Kamukura left the room.

"What did he want?" Hinata asked.

"He needed help falling asleep," Kamukura told him.

"Falling asleep? That's not... supposed to be some kind of metaphor, right?"

"You think I hurt him. I didn't. It is not a metaphor, no,"

"A-alright... I uh... need to go to the bathroom,"

Kamukura got up and untied him. Then, he grabbed his wrist and brought him to a door. Hinata went inside and let out a sigh. He needed to leave somehow, the bathroom didn't have any windows and the door had been locked before he had entered, Kamukura had to unlock it.

There was a second door on the right side of the room. He attempted to open it and it surprisingly worked. It lead to Komaeda's room. The pale boy was sleeping in the bed. The room looked very comfortable. Well, comfortable considering the fact Kamukura had kidnapped them.

"Time's over." Kamukura knocked on the door.

"Uh- yeah... just let me wash my hands."

After a few more seconds, he got pulled out of the stall and pushed back into the chair. "Can I ask something?"


"Do you only find Komaeda interesting or do you actually care about him?"


"Really? Usually, you don't abduct people you like,"

"Well, I am unusual then,"

"Obviously. Do you think Komaeda is developing Stockholm Syndrome?"

"No. He's pretending to like me, I am aware. But I love that he does that. It is... quite amazing,"

"You love it? Do you have a thing for him?"

Kamukura tilted his head. "A thing? What thing?"

"You know... do you like like him?"

"Perhaps. I am not sure." He put a hand to his chin. "You like him though, correct? I saw the way you looked at him,"

"So what?"

"Does he like you too?"

"That's none of your business!"

Kamukura nodded. "Whatever you say..."

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now