13 | Despair

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"I-I ca-can't... breathe- please..." Komaeda tried scratching at Kamukura's hands, trying to break free from his grip. "S-stop... please..." He begged.

Finally, Owari stood up after she had gotten knocked out by Kamukura on the roof. "Leave Komaeda alone!" She shouted, running towards him.

"Owari, no!" Hinata screamed as he saw Kamukura grip Komaeda's throat even tighter.

The dark-haired man used the same power from before to grab Hinata and he finally let go of Komaeda. Then, he grabbed him with the strange power too. The white-haired boy took a deep breath and was panting.

The gymnast jumped towards Kamukura and gripped his arm. He sighed and kicked her again. Before she managed to get up, he began flying and taking Komaeda and Hinata with him.

He brought them to a small private jet and tied them up. Komaeda looked out the window and saw the police arriving at the school and putting Enoshima into their car.

"You're seriously gonna leave her there?" Hinata asked.

"Hinata Hajime, correct? So you're the famous hero,"

Komaeda looked at his friend, frowning.

"I'm sorry Komaeda. I didn't want you to find out this way... and I'm sorry for not saving you. Why are you even taking Komaeda with you?" He looked at Kamukura.

"Simply because he is interesting, unlike everything else. In truth, I do not care for you or your identity. Enoshima did though. She wanted to eliminate you so she could 'paint this town in despair'. Her words, not mine. Without a hero like you, no one is protected,"

"Then let her fight me and leave Komaeda out of this!" He shouted.

"My apologies, I cannot do that." He put a hand on Komaeda's shoulder.

"Don't touch me!"

"Defying me instead of being scared, typical for you,"

"Don't say it like we're friends!" He hissed.

"Whether you like it or not, I can say whatever I want and you won't be able to do anything about it,"

"Shut the fuck up!" Hinata shouted. "You're disgusting!"

The plane slowly came to a stop and landed.

"Where the hell did you even get the money for all this?!"

"Enoshima is a famous model. She paid for everything." He grabbed both of them by their shirts and lead them inside a building. Kamukura shoved Hinata onto a chair and tied him to it. Then, he pushed Komaeda inside a different room and locked it.

"At least let us be in the same room..." Hinata muttered with a shaky voice.

"This is a room specially made for people like us. Powers cannot be used in this room, so don't bother trying to call for Usami or ripping the ropes,"

Hinata felt himself tear up. He just wanted to be back at home and hang out with Komaeda. He was a horrible hero. He couldn't protect his school, his classmates or the guy he liked.

"Wh-what are you gonna do to Komaeda?" He sniffled.

"Nothing bad. I will make sure he is protected. You will stay here. I will see you later." He then went into the room Komaeda was in.

Immediately, the pale boy began yelling at him. "Let us out of here! You know Hinata-kun can defeat you! Stop bother-"

Kamukura cupped his cheek.

"Don't touch me you creep!" Komaeda slapped his hand away. "Stop being so weird! S-stop kidnapping me!" He cried. Then, he took a deep breath. "But then again... I'm sure this despair will lead to a greater hope. It has to. Hinata-kun will defeat you! He'll defeat you and I'll be able to witness his amazing hope shine brighter than eve-" Komaeda cried out in pain as Kamukura slapped him. He slapped him so hard he fell onto the floor.

Komaeda touched his cheek where it hurt. "O-ow... what the heck..? You said you didn't wanna hurt me!" He complained.

"Stop talking about Hinata. You're here for me, not him,"

"What, are you jealous?" He giggled.

Kamukura furrowed his eyebrows.

"How pathetic. After all, you don't have a chance with me. There's no way I'll ever like you after all the horrible things you've done,"

Kamukura crouched down to him. "I do not care if you hate me. You are with me now. Finally. And you will not leave. You are here to entertain me whenever I want,"

"So I'm like a jetser? How humiliating. But I suppose I will have to just trust in my luck cycle to help me out after this. Also, why aren't you interested in Hinata-kun? Didn't he yell at you as well? He's as stubborn as I am,"

Kamukura shook his head. "Unlike you, he's crying st the moment,"

Komaeda's eyes widened. "Wh-what..? He's... crying? Hinata-kun never cries!"

"Now he does. But you don't. Why is that?"

"Because," He sat up and sighed. "Hinata-kun hasn't seen the type of despair I have. I know how hope and despair work, other people don't quite understand the concept, I think. I don't judge them though. If you haven't seen something, it's hard to imagine it,"

"You're so fascinating,"

"Ew! Don't say that! Don't look at me!" Komaeda shook his head.

Kamukura grabbed his chin. "You said before that hope comes after despair, didn't you?"

Komaeda nodded, smiling.

"You got kidnapped, tortured and questioned. Then, you got kidnapped again. After that, I committed arson at your school and kidnapped both you and your friend. During that, did you have any hope?"

"I always have hope. Even now, I do. I will admit, that was a lot of bad luck, but... that doesn't change the fact that I know it will be better. It will. I have Hinata-kun by my side. I have luck on my side as well." He smiled. "You're going to lose, Kamukura,"

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now