4 | Hangout

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Cw for mentions of bullying and ab//se at the end

Hinata had asked Komaeda to hang out. Right now, the pale boy stood in front of his mirror, making sure he didn't look horrible.

"Should I wear this hairpin or not?" He sighed. "I just can't decide! Yumi, help me out!"

His dog tilted her head.

"I... I want Hinata-kun to think that I'm pretty, but... trash can't look pretty, huh? I should just stop trying." He put the hairpin away. "I'll never like the way I look, will I?"

Yumi snuggled up to his leg. "You're the only one who understands me, Yu..." Komaeda pat her head. "Ah, what about a ponytail? No, my hair's too short for that to look nice. Hm... pigtails? No, that would just look childish. Maybe a headband? Yeah, the one with the bow! Then we'll be matching, Yumi!" He smiled and grabbed the two headbands. He put one on his own head and one on Yumi's.

"You're so cute!" He told his dog and pat her head. "Now then, Hinata-kun said you can come along!" Komaeda put a leash on her and left the house. He made his way over to Hinata's place. After around 15 minutes, he got there and rang the doorbell.

Hinata opened the door and blushed. "So cute..." He muttered.


"Your- uh, your dog of course! Hahaha..." He saved himself.

"Right! She's adorable, isn't she?"

"Totally! Uhm, come in." He stepped aside to let them into the house.

They went upstairs into Hinata's room. There were many posters of bands and superheros. Hinata had a whole bookshelf filled with comics.

"You really like hero stories, huh?" Komaeda asked.

"Yeah, they're my favorites." He sat down on his bed and Komaeda did the same. Yumi placed her head on his lap and he scratched her head.

"What's her name?" Hinata asked.

"Yumi," Komaeda told him.

"Can I pet her?"

"Sure!" Komaeda smiled and took his hand away from her head to make room for Hinata. The brunet leaned forward and scratched the dog's head.

"She's so fluffy!"

"I know, right?" Komaeda smiled. "She's the best dog in the world!"

"Wanna go into the garden with her?" Hinata asked. Komaeda nodded excitedly.

They played with her for a long while. Luckily Hinata had a Frisbee and a big garden which Yumi loved.

"Where is she?" Komaeda asked, turning to Hinata. "She's been gone for a while. You don't think she ran away, do you?" His tone was getting more and more worried.

"I'm sure it's fine-"

"Watch out!" Komaeda shouted. Then, Hinata felt himself being pushed forward and landing on top of the pale boy. He lifted himself up a bit with his arms and blushed when he saw how close he was to Komaeda.


"Uh... yeah?"

"Are you okay?"

"I am. Are you?"

Komaeda nodded. "Sorry about her pushing you. She's not usually like that,"

"It's fine,"

"Can you, uhm, get off now? Please?" Komaeda asked, cheeks heating up.

Hinata practically jumped up. "Of course!" He then helped the other boy get up too.

In the evening, Komaeda was talking to his dog again. "He was so sweet, Yumi! Do you like Hinata-kun as well?"

She put her head on Komaeda's lap. "I'll take that as a yes. Ah, he's so hopeful and kind!" Komaeda fell back onto his bed.

Suddenly, he heard a knock on his window. He let out a shriek and walked towards it. There was the crow, waving at him. Komaeda opened the window and let him inside.

"Hey there!"

"You have a dog?"

"Mhm! Her name's Yumi!"

"How cute. Anyways, how are you?"

"I'm good! Yumi and I had a lot of fun today!" He sat down on the floor in front of his bed.

The crow tilted his head. "Is that so? What did you guys do?"

"We hung out with my friend! Uh, I dunno if he sees me as a friend, but... it would be an honor if he did,"

"Why wouldn't he?"

"Because I'm so... crappy. I can't do anything right. Oh, I bet he hates me!" Komaeda covered his face in shame.

The crow put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you seem like a pretty awesome guy. I'm sure your friend thinks so too,"

"Really?" He peeked out between his fingers.

"Absolutely." He nodded.

"I'm sure he'd like you too! He loves superheros!"

"Haha, who doesn't?" The crow grinned.

"You know... I truly admire you,"

"You do?"

"Yeah. You're such a good person. You save people every day and you even cheered me up. You're just so... good. Like a shining beacon of hope,"

Hinata blushed. "Hope?"

"Yup." He put his head on the hero's shoulder. "A hope that can defeat any despair. That's what this world needs. A lot of humans are horrible people, but a lot of them aren't. And those good people deserve the help of amazing heros like you. I'm just an ordinary, unimportant, worthless person, but-"

"You aren't!" Hinata grabbed his shoulders and shook him.

"I am. I could never bring this world hope! I-I'm useless and stupid and-"

"Who told you all that?"

Komaeda stayed silent for a couple of seconds. "I don't wanna talk about it. But, yeah, someone did tell me that. Back then, I wished for a hero like you, but now I know I didn't deserve one,"

"Who told you that?" Hinata repeated, obviously angry.

"Tsukasa-kun and Suzuki-kun,"

"Who are they?"

"My old classmates. I thought it was bullying back then, but... now I realize it was a punishment,"

"So those guys abused you?"

"Is it abuse if I deserve it?" Komaeda asked.

"You don't deserve it,"

"I... I'm sorry. For telling you that. I made you get mad at them. I-I didn't mean to,"

"It's fine." The crow sighed. "I'm not mad at you,"

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now