6 | Kidnapped

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"I'm Kageyama Hiyori reporting live from the scene of the crime. We were lucky enough to be able to talk to the hero," A reporter explained as Hinata stood next to her.

"Sir, can you tell us about what just took place?" Kageyama asked.

"Sorry, no can do. The police doesn't like that,"

"Then, can you tell us about yourself? Who are you?"

He laughed. "You know I can't reveal my identity,"

"Being a hero at such a young age must be great. I'm sure you're able to have a lot of girlfriends, right?" She asked.

Hinata shook his head. "I don't want many girlfriends. But there is one person I've got in mind,"

"Oh? She's a very lucky girl!"

He raised an eyebrow. "What girl?"

"Gah-! Are you saying you play for the other team?" Kageyama questioned.

"I might." He winked at the camera. "Anyway, I gotta go. And, Komaeda, I know you're seeing this. I'll see you this evening, yeah?" Then, he flew away.

Komaeda blushed as he stared at his TV. "Oh my God... Yumi!! Yumi, did you hear that?? He said my name, right? He said 'Komaeda'!! That's me!! I'm Komaeda! Why did he say my name? D-does he like me? Oh my gosh, this is crazy! He likes me but I like Hinata-kun but Hinata-kun doesn't like me... this is like some weird love story a teenager would write..." He fell back onto the floor. "Ah, but... I can't be sure the crow likes me. We only met a few times. But... it did seem like it, right? Then again, there's no way someone so hopeful would fall for an unlucky, useless guy like me... sigh,"

He looked at his phone to check the time and saw that he was getting tons of texts from the class group chat.

Souda-kun: Komaeda???

Sonia-san: Komaeda-san, are you watching television at the moment?

Mioda-san: Did u guys see what I think u saw???

Komaeda: What's the issue?

Souda-kun: Boy are you dating the crow??? Wtf????

Komaeda: No, I'm not.

Sonia-san: Are you guys friends?

Komaeda: We only met a few times

Hinata-kun: You guys actually met?? And you didn't even tell us? That's crazy

Komaeda: I'm sorry if that upsets you, Hinata-kun.

Hinata-kun: No its fine I'm just surprised

Souda-kun: So he likes you or what????? Is he gay??? Are you gay???

Komaeda: Please stop with the questions. Why would I even know about his sexuality?

Souda-kun: I'd bet 300¥ you're secretly dating him

Hinata-kun: 300¥ is not a lot. Also it's not your business who Komaeda dates

(300¥ are circa 2 US-Dollars)

Souda-kun: it is if his bf makes it a public thing??

Komaeda: He isn't my boyfriend! Please stop saying those things.

Souda-kun: Ok fine sorry ig

After that, Komaeda had to calm down a bit. He felt so nervous and flustered he couldn't think straight at all (literally).

The pale boy took a deep breath and got up. "Alright, calm down, Nagito. This isn't like you. Think logically. Yeah. Logically, there's no way a superhero could fall for a stupid, insignificant, ugly, worthless, talentless, disgusting-" Yumi snuggled up to his leg. He smiled and pat her head.

Suddenly, he heard a crash coming from his garden. Worried, he went there to check it out, but everything seemed normal. As he was about to turn around, he heard something from behind him and then his world went black.

When Komaeda woke up, he was chained to a wall. "Huh?! What's going on?" He looked around.

"I've been watching you for some time now," A muffled, male voice said. Komaeda couldn't see anyone inside the room though. Then, a door opened and a man stepped inside. He looked around Komaeda's age. He had long, black hair and red eyes. He looked bored.

"Who are you?" Komaeda asked.

"A watcher." The man lifted up Komaeda's chin and turned his head from left to right ad if he was inspecting him.

"A watcher?"

"Yes. As I said, I have been watching you each and every night. I saw him visiting you from the very beginning,"

Komaeda shuddered. "You mean-"

"The crow. Yes. Your name is Komaeda, correct?"


"What a terrible liar you are." The man let go of him. "No matter. You will tell me everything you know about the crow,"

"I really don't know much more than the public-"

"Quit lying." He lifted up Komaeda's shirt a bit. "I have ways to make you talk. And don't scream, it's not what you think." He pressed a red button on a wall and two robot arms that were holding feathers got closer to Komaeda's torso.

"Wh-what the heck..."

"I don't like bloody torture methods. Cleaning up after them is boring, so I much prefer this,"

The arms got even closer and began tickling Komaeda's sides. He tried to hold in his laughter, but couldn't. "Hahahaha! S-stop! I-I don't know any- hahaha haha!"

"Enoshima, come in," The man said and a high-school girl walked into the room.

"Heya, Koko-senpai!" She grinned. "I am so loving this!! He's gonna be filled with despair after getting tickled for hours!"

"H-hours?!" Komaeda shrieked between laughs. "Pl-please hahaha! I-I really don't know anything! Hahaha haha!"

"Oooh, you're having fun, aren't ya?" Enoshima asked.

"No! Not at all- Hahahahaha! Hahaha! Ahahaha!" Komaeda shouted, but he couldn't stop laughing.

♡ Superhero | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now