Forty Eight

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Happy Birthday

Rafe drove Luna fast to the Wreck. Before, she had to change, she couldn't go back in the same dress. Luckily Rafe had old jeans from Sarah that she forgot once and never asked back and one of his shirts. It was okay but it was visible that the clothes didn't fit right and she felt uncomfortable. She hated it and Fridays was always super busy.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." She said under her breath while Rafe was speeding.

"Calm down. It's okay."

"I'm never later." Luna said fast.

Rafe finally arrived at the parking lot and before Luna jumped out, she gave him a quick kiss. "Thank you. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." He nodded but grabbed her face to kiss her again.


"That won't make you late." He grinned and gave her another kiss. "Okay bye." He let her go and she got out of the car, running to the restaurant.


"Hi! Sorry," Luna rushed in the restaurant. Kie looked surprised at her. "Oh Kie! Hi."

"Luna. I was worried. But dad is not here yet. He's also late."

"Fuck are you serious?" She groaned and let herself fall on a chair.

"Sorry." Kie laughed.

Soon Mike also came to the restaurant, Luna and Kie started already, customers already sat at their tables and ate.
And as Luna thought, it was busy. Super busy, typical Friday, she was excited to fall in bed and wake up the next morning on her birthday.


Then it was the day. It was Saturday and Luna's birthday. It wasn't even 8am when JJ stormed into her room and threw himself on the bed, he god over his bad mood and wanted to give her an amazing birthday.

"Happy birthday, Lunaa!" He sang.

"Ugh JJ!" She groaned ripped out of her sleep.

"Sorry." He laughed. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you." She smiled and hugged him back.

"Now follow me."

Outside her room, stood her friends. With a plate with pancakes and a few presents.

Moon |Rafe Cameron| Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt