Fifty One

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

It's okay, I'm here

Luna couldn't fall asleep. The fact that Rafe was annoyed because they didn't sleep together bugged her. Also the storm outside was too loud.
She turned around to look at Rafe, he had his eyes closed but she knew he wasn't asleep, the storm stressed him out. He was clenching his jaw.

The weather was worse then two hours ago and the rain was rambling against the window. Luna got out of the bed and walked out of the door to the bathroom.

Rafe could feel Luna move and heard her walk out. He opened his eyes and lifted him with is hands up to look at the door she just closed. He groaned and went with his hands over his face.
A loud thunder made him jump and look outside. He didn't want to get up but he still did and looked out the window. The waves were super high and the trees and palms were bending so much it looked like they would break. A sudden lightning went trough the sky followed by long and loud thunder.
Rafe began to panic.

Luna was in the bathroom and splashed water in her face. She needed to drink something and went down to the kitchen.
When the lightning and the thunder resounded she just grabbed the water from the fridge. She flinched by the sound, it was so loud.

Her mind went to Rafe, he must be scared as hell.
She didn't think about the bad tension they had an hour ago and ran upstairs.

She rushed the stairs up and tumbled into the bedroom.

"Rafe??" She was out of breath.
He didn't respond and Luna couldn't see him.
"Rafe where are you??" She went around the bed.
"Oh shit..." She finally found Rafe. He was sitting against the bed frame on the floor his knees to his head and whipped forth and back.
His head was buried in his crossed arms.

"Rafe, hey, hey, hey... babe?" Luna got down to him.

He lifted his head, "Luna! I thought you were gone..."

"What? No never. No not even in that storm..."

Rafe stayed silent and a cry left his mouth.
"Have you seen it?? We are going to die!" He cried out.
Rafe was panicking and breathed heavy, he couldn't control himself.

"No we are not. Rafe it's fine, this is completely normal. We've had worse storms." She tried to comfort him and touched his arm.
But when she said that a loud beeping came from side outside.

"Oh my gosh! No Luna, this is the worst!" Rafe went up and looked out the window.
Luna followed him and looked out. A tree fell on a car that was standing on the other side of the street by his neighbour.

Rafe walked through the room, he mumbled words.
Luna knew he was panicking but she had no idea what to do. She was usually the person who was panicking and she always had a black out and had no idea what people did to bring her down.

Rafe was driving his panic worst by making up scenarios in his head. He was standing against the wall and collapsed on the floor.
His heart felt like it would explode and he couldn't breath.
"Luna... I can't breathe." He looked in panic at her.

"Fuck!" Luna rushed to Rafe and took his face in her hands, he was sweating and his eyes went everywhere through the room.

"Rafe! Rafe! Look at me!" She caressed his cheeks.
He took fast and short breathes and after some more begging of Luna he finally looked at her.

"I'm having a panic attack. Luna I don't-" He began to cry again and looked away from Luna.

"I know Rafe, it's okay, I'm here. Come on look at me."

He looked back at her and took her hand that was on his one cheek.

"Alright. Breath with me okay!" She put his hand on her chest, "Do you feel how I breath? Do it as I do it, okay?" Luna squeezed his hand a little.

Rafe nodded slowly and tried to breath slow and deep but failed when another lightning went trough the sky and followed by a loud thunder.
"I can't do it!" He cried out.

"Yes you can I believe in you and so do you. Try again."
Rafe and Luna sat on the floor and breathed together. He only focused on her breathing and they looked at each other the whole time. His heart rate got down and he calmed down a bit.
He put his hand away from Luna's chest but kept them intertwined. He played with her fingers and only tears were rolling down his face.
Rafe leaned in and his head landed on her chest, she pulled him closer into a hug.
It was comfortable and safe, like it always was. That relaxed Rafe.

After some minutes Luna stopped running her hands Rafe's back up and down, he looked up, "Why did you stop? I liked that."

"We need to get some sleep, come on get up." Luna said and lifted his head, with her hands and got up.
Unmotivated was Rafe sitting on the floor. Luna looked amused down, she held her hands out and he took them.

They walked over to the bed, the storm was still there but when they were laying on the floor it wasn't really present.
Before Rafe sat down on the bed the storm made him jump again but Luna stroke over his shoulder and calmed him down. Luna wanted to get around the bed to her spot but Rafe took her arm and pulled her down with him.
He rolled her down on her back and snuggled in to her side. Luna held him in her arms and they stayed close.

"Thank you." He mumbled.

"Of course." She responded and kissed his cheek.

"No seriously thank you, not only for just now, also for the last months."

"Yeah no problem, so are you helping me. Thanks." Luna took his hand that was laying around her waist.
He chuckled as a response and got even closer to her body.
Their sleep was restless, the storm was still raging over the island and made the pair to wake up some times. They often woke up at the same time and mostly Luna calmed Rafe down but they stayed the whole night together, their legs and hands intertwined.


Moon |Rafe Cameron| जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें