Twenty One

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Are we good?

Quiet cursing left Luna's mouth as she was walking through Figure Eight. She couldn't believe that Rafe said that, he was such an asshole. She hated him right now.
But deep down she knew that he was right. The Pogues would do anything for Kie or anyone if they were in trouble. They were good, loyal and true friends.
Not a friend who lied about where they were, kept problems away from them, ran away to someone that hurt them before rather than to talk to them or even sleep with their "enemy". 

She walked past a house when she suddenly got ripped out of thoughts.

"Luna is that you?!" Someone shouted.

In shock she turned around. But then she happily smiled, when she saw who it was. "Hi Lauren..."
Luna looked around and recognised the house she was once on a party with Sky at.
Sky said that the Kooks stared at them especially this one group but she forgot who it was. Some guy in Sky's grade.

"What's up?! What are you doing?" Lauren waved at Luna and she walked to her.

"Going home." Luna shrugged.

"Wait have been there a party I haven't been invited to??" Lauren asked ironically sad.

"Nah just Kegger."

"Ah okay. Who's this hoddie anyways?"  Lauren asked interested.

Luna frowned and looked down at her body. She was still wearing Rafe's shirt. "Oh uhm... JJ's."

"He owns a Stone Island hoddie?" Lauren laughed.

Luna looked at Lauren with a guilty face and squeezed her face.

"Ahah right. I don't care where you've been. But do you want to come in?"

Luna thought about it. "Yeah sure."

"Cool. I'll just get the post."

They walked to Lauren's family's house.

Luna nervously cracked her fingers. "Uhm do you still have Kie's number?"

"Yeah I think so, why?"

"My phone is dead."

"Oh yeah sure, here you go!" Lauren gave Luna her phone.

"Could I also use you as an excuse?" Luna said embarrassed.

"What do you mean?" Lauren looked confused at her

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