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Don't use me as a shield!

Sky and Luna were on their way to the chateau. The wind was blowing through their hair. They rode in silence along the coast while appreciating the sunset.

"The sunset is beautiful damn!" Sky voiced and pulled Luna out of her thoughts. The pictures of Rafe and her of last night kept getting back in her mind. It was making her mad that he didn't even take a look at her. Yes people shouldn't know that they fucked but just a short eye contact would have been nice.

Luna blinked the Kook boys body away and concentrated on her friend talking.
"Yeah it is..."

The sunset was extremely beautiful and a little smile grew on Luna's face when serotonin went trough her body. Sunsets always made her happy.

Sky suddenly stopped and got off her bike. Luna needed to break hard so she didn't crash into her.

"What are you doing??" Luna got off her bike too.

"Let's sit down." Sky walked to the small wall and sat down.
Luna smiled at her friend.

They sat down at the edge of a hill, their feet tangling over the wall.
The view was amazing, they could see a small beach and the sea.

Luna closed her eyes and breathed the scent of the ocean in.
A gust of wind made Luna shiver.
"It's getting cold, aren't you cold?" She asked her friend.

"Nah it's fine. I have a hoodie with me you can have it." Sky pointed at her backpack that was in the back of her bike.

"Ohh thank you so much!" Luna walked up to Sky's bike and pulled out the black hoodie.
After she pulled it over her head, Luna made a lower bun and sat next to her friend again.

In silence they looked out to the sea. Luna was watching a small boat driving in the distance.
A "click" made Luna turn.

Sky had her phone in her hand and took a picture of Luna and the sunset.

"Aww that looks stunning." Sky appreciated the picture she took.

"Let me see." Luna bend over to look at Sky's phone.

"Can I post this in my story?" Sky asked and leaned down on Luna's shoulder.

"Yeah sure." She answered and laid her head on Sky's head.

"Here look!" Sky showed Luna the story she posted:

"Wow! What view though?" She laughed and looked at her

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"Wow! What view though?" She laughed and looked at her.

"We will never know." Sky winked and laid down on her friends shoulder again.

The two friends stayed for a while till Luna's phone rang.
It was JJ, Luna put him on speaker.

"Hello dear brother!"

"Hi Lue, are you two lost? Why aren't you coming?"

"We are on our way, relax!"

"Right, hurry!"


"Cool bye."


"Why is he always so worried about you?" Sky asked.

"You know that he's super protective." Luna shrugged.

It was annoying that JJ always asked where she was but she was also glad. He helped her to get out of the hands of the drug a few years ago and she was glad that he was always there for her. She felt bad for going back to Barry and also not telling Sky about it. Sky had no idea about Luna's problems in the last years beside the ones with her mum. But they did never really talk about it, Sky is her safe place where she could forget her problems.

"Alright let's go." Sky got up and held her hand out.
Luna took her hand and they walked to their bikes.

"That was nice!" Luna squeezed her friends hand lightly. Sky gave her a big smile.

Luna and Sky waited in front of a red light.
"Shoot I forgot it. How is the hickie?" Luna touched her neck.

"When you let your hair down they won't be visible, the hoodie hides most of it." Sky inspected her friends skin. "It's also just light."

"Good! But tomorrow it's hot again, I will not wear a hoodie..."

"We can make them less with some cold compresses. I don't know." Sky said.

"Yeah we can try. Oh my gosh...." Luna shrugged. "Why did Rafe had to be that intense on my neck...??"
"I hate that I get hickies so easily."

"But you like it."

"Yeah it feels good." Luna giggled.

The light turned green and they headed to the chateau.


"There they are!" JJ came with a can of beer out from the porch to welcome his sister and Sky.

JJ stepped up to Sky and hugged her, his hand with the beer was stretched out a bit and Luna used the opportunity to grab the beer out of his hand.

"Hey, what?" JJ got out of the hug. "Give me the beer back Luna!"

"Try!" She said and fled from him.

"Ohh no you don't, Luna!" He ran after her giggling.

"Catch me if you can!" She shouted.

"Pope!" Luna saw the boy standing by the fire pit.

"Hi Lue! Whoa what's going on." Luna stepped behind him holding onto his shoulders.

JJ came and Luna moved Pope's body where JJ stood.

"Oh come on Luna, don't use me as a shield." Pope scuffed.

"Sorry P." She told him. The beer was almost empty and she chucked the rest.

"Ehw it's warm..." She said disappointed.

"That's what you get when you steal my beer, sis." JJ walked around Pope.

Luna let go of Pope and ran away again, JJ got nearer and when he arrived he tackled her.
A scream left her mouth when JJ threw her over, they landed on the ground.

"You bitch!" Luna laughed out. Dirt was all over Sky's shirt, she brushed it with her hands away.

"You own me a beer." JJ got up and held his hand out for Luna, "Sure...", she took his hand and they walked up to the rest of the others laughing.


Moon |Rafe Cameron| Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora