Twenty Eight

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When Rafe woke up it was just 8am and Luna was still asleep cuddled to his side.
After he got woken up by Luna rolling on his chest in the late night, he got woken up again but this time Luna was awake. He didn't let Luna notice because he was too tired to say something but she reacted confused when she woke up cuddled to his chest with his arm around her, she whispered "Fuck..." and loosened from him to go to the bathroom.
"No, no, no." She mumbled while walking out.

He fell right asleep again and didn't know when she came back. But when he woke up he found her in his arms again.

"That's not how friends sleep." He thought while looking at Luna's side profile, she was sleepy peacefully, like nothing happened.

Rafe couldn't get back to sleep so he decided to carefully get up without waking Luna up.

"I need to... talk to Sky..." Luna mumbled and rolled to her side when Rafe let go of her.

"Mh?" Rafe asked quiet but Luna continued to sleep. He chuckled quiet.
He got his clothes and went to the bathroom to shower quick. His thoughts went back to last night and the talk with Luna. It was right to talk about what was happening between them but it still bugged him that they were now stuck on this term and can't just continue like they did even though it was the same thing. Something still wasn't feeling right about friends with benefits. "It wasn't the same thing, right? Fwb don't do all of what we did."

He got water in the eye and came back to him. Rafe turned off the water and stepped out of the shower to get dressed.
When Rafe went downstairs and saw the mess that sadly didn't magically disappeared over night, he slowly forgot what he was thinking about.

He started in the kitchen and but the empty liquor bottles in a box and the soda bottles in its own. Most of what he brought was empty just a few opened bottles were left. He put them back in the cabinet. He turned to the island and saw the to shot glasses. Luna. And again he thought about them.
"Fuck. Kelce was so pissed. He was acting childish though, Top was also annoying by his behaviour. He said that it was completely okay that Luna and I took the shots and he didn't need to overthink."

Fast he put them in the dishwasher same as the knife and the plate he used for the "night snack" also some other dining ware people used. He threw a half lemon away someone probably used for a drink, it was already dry.

Once again he cleaned the counters, they were still sticky and he slowly got annoyed by that, he put more cleaner on it and finally got rid of the stickiness.

Soon Rafe was done with the kitchen and moved to the living room and hallway. It was hell of a work and he was tired of it. Every time he throws a party he regrets it afterwards. "Always that fucking mess."
Exhausted he let himself fall on the sofa and closed his eyes while rubbing his temple.

Moon |Rafe Cameron| Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu