Thirty Nine

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Luna and Rafe walked downstairs. They were smiling at each other, still in euphoria from the shower. It was crazy. They felt good around each other, it felt like a dream every time they were alone and did things. They were in their own little world and no one could harm them.

They went into the kitchen and started to cook the pasta and made a delicious tomato sauce.

Luna set the table outside while Rafe mixed the pasta with the sauce and added fresh basil from the garden.

"Mhh that looks so good." Luna stood behind him and watched him.

"I bet it also taste really good. Have a taste." He took a fork. He held it to her mouth she opened it.

"Oh." She rolled her eyes. "So good."

"Mh good. Let's eat!" He smiled. "Oh- I also found a bottle that was left from the last time we were here."

"When was that?" Luna asked.

"On my birthday so not too long. It's the red wine we drank once."

"Mh yeah I liked that one. Sure." Luna smiled.

Rafe nodded happy and got two wine glasses.

Right before Rafe brought the food out, he saw the boat arriving.

"Oh Sarah and Dad are back." He looked out the window annoyed. Now their time together and escape from reality ended.

"Doesn't matter, let's sit down and eat." Luna shrugged.

Rafe nodded and they went outside.

"Here." He gave her a portion and then himself.

"Thank you." She smiled.


"Ohh what are you eating?" Ward said as they walked up to Rafe and Luna.

"Pasta. Want a bit?" Rafe asked.

"No I have to leave now."

"I can stay. I'm really hungry. Can I have a bit please?" Sarah said and sat down at the table.

"Sure." Luna smiled. Rafe just nodded he was annoyed.


"I'll bring you a plate." Rafe said and stood up. "Do you want wine?"

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