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Like thunder

For the rest of Sunday they hang up the flyers. Luna still had no answer from Rafe and got worried.
Sarah joined them in the evening and also fell in love with Joy. Luna talked to her, since Rafe wasn't answering and Sarah was closer with them and would do something like that. She agreed to help with the insurances and all the things, in case they won't find her original owner.

It was 8 pm, Luna was still outside with her friends when Rafe called her.

"Oh! Excuse me." She said and walked a bit away till she picked up. The Pogues didn't notice, they were too focused on Joy.


"Hi, what's going on?"

Luna walked inside to her room. "JJ found a dog and if we can't find her owner, we are going to keep her but we need insurances and stuff, you know."

"Okay. Yeah. And?"

"I texted you because I thought maybe you could help..."

"Oh... I don't know, Luna. Wouldn't it seem weird, if I would be the one who helps..."

"Yeah... thought about that too after I texted you. Sarah came here anyways and she wants to help."

"Good." Rafe mumbled.

"Are you okay? Where were you?" Luna noticed that something was off.

"I'm fine... was at the gym with Top."

"Okay. Ehm, I'm going back outside."

"Okay. Goodnight Luna." He said, sounding more normal.

"Goodnight, Rafie." She smiled and they hung up.

Luna walked back to her friends and they stayed outside till 10pm, then Pope, Kie and Sarah went to their home. It was only JJ, John and Luna and their new member, Joy. They loved her and JJ wanted her to get used to a dog bed but she was following him everywhere so JJ accepted that she was sleeping in his bed.


The next morning, Luna and JJ went on a walk with Joy. They took a big round, Luna had to work at 1pm and still had enough time. And JJ and the rest didn't had school, it was already closed due the storm, perfect timing and longer vacation.
They were on a hill and Luna was playing with Joy. JJ was watching them, it had been raining before and a rainbow appeared.
JJ took a picture of his sister and Joy. He smiled and stood up to join them.

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