Seventy Four

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Joey stayed with them for some hours. Luna and him sat in the living room and did his presentation. She still had a bit time till she had to present hers but after they finished his they started with hers.
While Luna was busy with her uni work, Rafe took care of Riley and at 6:30pm they brushed their teeth together and he brought her to bed.
"Can you read please." Riley asked.

"Sure. What book?" He asked and hold up a few books.

"This one." She pointed at a book about fairies in the mountains.

Rafe sat down in the comfy chair next to the bed and wanted to begin.

"Rafe?" She asked.


"Can you come in the bed?"

"Oh-  sure." He nodded and sat on the bed when she scoooped over. "Okay, are you ready?"

"Yes." She nodded and laid down.

Rafe started to read and she listened carefully.
Meanwhile Luna and Joey finished up and he got ready to go home.
"It was great to see you again. I guess we'll see us in class." Bret smiled.

"Yes. Good luck for your presentation. We'll see us." Luna hugged him and then opened the door.

"Bye!" He waved. When he was down the stairs she closed the door and walked back to clean the living room. She heard Rafe reading and took a look. He laid on Riley bed and she was snuggled to his side. She could cry it was so cute and to see him like this made her love him even more.
He looked up when Luna opened the door and smiled but then left again.
After a few minutes he noticed that Riley was already asleep. His eyes were heavy the whole time he was reading but he concentrated to not fall asleep. But failed. He didn't know at what point he fell asleep but Luna woke him up.

"Hi. Baby? You look extremely cute in this tiny bed with Riley but I want to save your neck pain." Luna stroke over his cheek.

Rafe smiled and carefully got out of the bed without waking Riley up who was deeply asleep.
"Thank you." He whispered and kissed Luna. He wrapped his hand around her waist and they walked to the bedroom.


The rest of the days were similar to the ones before. After bringing Riley to daycare, they explored the city or stayed home when Luna had classes.
Now it was Wednesday, the last day of them in New York before flying back on Thursday afternoon.

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