Rias vs Sona Pt 1

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The time for the battle between Sona and Rias has finally arrived and everyone was excited. Armed in their usual battle outfits the group was relaxing in the ORC as they waited for Grayfia to teleport them to the battlefield.

"So is everybody ready for battle." Rias said happily. She was looking forward to this battle because it was against her rival and she wanted to prove herself.

"Yes we are. As long as you guys remember the plan everything else will be fine." Issei said with a smile.

"Oh relax will ya Issei. You're taking this way to seriously" Irina said happily. The angel representative was with the group despite the fact that she was going to join Azazel to announce the battles.

"Perhaps but there's something I want to make sure you're aware of Irina" Issei said coldly.

"What's that" Irina wondered.

"My relationship with Sona is still a secret to most of the devil world. Don't say anything stupid while you're announcing the battles." Issei warned knowing his childhood friend very well.

"Don't worry I'm not that careless." Irina said confidently.

"Irina my dear you absolutely are" Issei deadpanned getting a chuckle from everybody else.

"Anyway" Irina huffed. "I'll do my part. Just make sure you don't get distracted yourself."

"I'll be fine." Issei replied before kissing Irina on the cheek causing her to blush slightly. The time for the battle was here and Issei wasn't distracted at all. In fact he was more focused than ever and that spelled trouble for Sona.

(Scene Skip)

The gang had just been sent to the dimension where the battle was going to take place. They were using the model of a department store in Kuoh that Issei knew very well. One of the major rules was that you couldn't damage the stuff around the department store which normally made things rather troublesome. Ironically enough, Rias's base was actually in a comic store, much to Issei's amusement and Rias's annoyance since it was clearly planned to tease her. Sona's was in a department store on the complete other side of the store. With 30 minutes until the battle finally began Issei and gang were more than ready and it was simply a matter of getting to their pre-assigned positions.

Over at Sona's base she was playing the reactive role trying to see what Issei and his group would do next. "Sona are you sure this is wise. We should be going out trying to find their peerage" Tsubaki warned her master as the peerage sat in the base.

"Trust me Tsubaki, that's a bad idea. Issei is no doubt pulling the strings in this battle and scouting will do us no good.

"How do you know that already" Momo asked nervously. Sona had warned her group about just how intelligent Issei was the entire time and it gave the group a healthy fear of the Red Dragon Emperor.

"I know because they've done zero scouting. Rias is the aggressive type and will go after what she wants. Issei would never scout ahead because of the fact that it doesn't do him any good since he knew that he had all the cards" Sona said confidently. Sona knew Issei's personality and figured that his ultimate plan was to send each person to a different store and wait. It was a dangerous game since they could easily ambush the pieces one by one if they so choose. The problem for Sona was the power gap was too high.

"That smug bastard is going down." Saji said with a grin on his face. He was looking forward to this battle because of his long-standing rivalry with Issei. Thanks to Azazel he now had all the Vritra gears and he was finally ready to fight back at least in his opinion.

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