Rias vs Sona Part 2

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Sona Sitri was trapped and she knew it. Her whole plan was based on the idea that she could distract Issei while the rest of the peerage fought against the rest of the group. With any luck they could take out a few and then confront Issei for the big win, "You got me Issei and I imagine now you're gonna take out Saji." Sona admitted with a rare annoyed expression on her face.

"Of course and unfortunately for you Kiba is headed off to help Xenovia." Issei's clone said with a confident smirk.

Sona paled since she realized with Kiba helping Xenovia things were even more in the Gremory's favor, "I hate you" Sona pouted realizing the battle was lost.

"No you don't but I have a few puzzles to finish and a loudmouth to pummel" Issei said with a smirk. Oh it was good to be him.

(Issei and Saji)

"So this is your new power huh?" Issei smirked as he looked at Saji's Dragon King mode unimpressed.

"Yes it is. Now I'll take you out for good" Saji replied with a confident smile.

'Kid, you need to run now. This guy is way stronger than you are" Vritra said with a terrified voice.

'Oh come on Vritra he's not that bad' Saji replied. Then again, when he looked over at Issei he was shocked at how relaxed he was.

"Fine, but it's your funeral" Vritra replied. The dragon King could sense Issei's real power and was aware how outmatched his charge was.

"So you done talking to your dragon" Issei smirked as he got into a battle stance.

"Oh yea" Saji replied as he got into his own battle stance.

"Good" Issei smirked before vanishing in a burst of speed.

"What the-" Saji yelped before he was sent flying into the wall thanks to a roundhouse kick to his side. Issei put in enough strength that it would send him flying but only into a clear area. The rule in place about holding back the damage was the only reason he didn't end Saji here and now.

"Is that all you've got, I'm disappointed" Issei taunted.

Saji was in pain but he was far from finished. "I'm not done yet" Saji shouted as his sacred gear extended a large tongue towards Issei. If he connected he could do some major damage.

"Really that's your plan. You should know better than to try that" Issei frowned as he grabbed the absorption line with his bare left hand. With a flick of his wrist, Issei pulled Saji towards him and cocked his right arm back to nail Saji with a savage punch.

"SHIT" Saji cursed as he flew towards Issei. The speed he was flying meant that he couldn't get rid of his sacred gear without taking some damage and giving Issei an even larger opening.

"Take this" Issei smirked as he connected on a savage blow that sent Saji flying.

"It seems as though Saji is no match for Hyoudou." Azazel said with a smirk.

"No kidding and he isn't even using his sacred gear yet." Irina added in. This was so one-sided that it was almost painful. The two announcers both agreed Saji was finished.


"Hmph he's really that weak." Clone Issei smirked.

"Saji" Sona said almost nervously.

Issei was winning the physical battle and decided now was the time for a little more fun, "Oh my if I didn't know any better I'd say you were generally concerned for him." Issei said with a devious grin.

Sona paused for a moment because she knew she had to answer the question carefully, "Listen Issei, as his King I'm concerned for him but don't look into it more than that."

Sona DxDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon