The Peace Conference Begins

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Last time Issei began his training with Gasper and reflected on the crazy lifestyle he was living over the last year thanks to the power of the Red Dragon Emperor. The newest event in the crazy lifestyle was the morning activities with his King, Rias Gremory. Of course with his new life, new headaches make themselves known and the newest one came in the form of Katase coming to Issei and asking about the same summoning charm that Murayama used. This time though Issei took care of business and ensured that she didn't use the circle like her friend. With the Peace conference on the way Issei finally had a chance to relax.

The time had finally arrived for the Peace Conference and most of the ORC was nervous and for good reasons. Rias was about to deliver a report that would change the course of history and she knew it. Her queen Akeno was worried was because she was about to stand face to face with the leader of the fallen angels, the race she abandoned as a child because of the death of her mother. Then of course there was Irina and Xenovia who would be in the presence of the man who replaced God. Kiba was nervous as well since he acted so irrationally during the Holy Sword project. "So is everybody ready?" Issei said nonchalantly. Issei was the only one that wasn't nervous which was ironic since he was the most important person among all of them seeing as how he helped take out Kokabiel.

"How are you so calm Issei? Tonight's gonna be a huge deal." Rias said angrily stunned at her pawn's nonchalance.

"It's only a big deal if you make it one Rias. Tonight's gonna be easy" Issei replied. It didn't hurt that he had been Azazel's friend for a year and Sirzechs and Serafall both got along with him well thanks to his connection to their sisters, and in Serafall's case their own relationship. As for Michael, he knew that Irina's father would join proceedings which meant that his only concern was his newest protégé Gasper.

"We're about to deliver a report that could change the three factions relationship and if things get ugly we could restart the war. Sorry if I'm a little nervous" Rias retorted.

"The chances of us going to war are pretty much zero and that should be obvious" Issei frowned. He couldn't believe that Rias was so clueless.

"Why are you so sure of that" Rias exasperated.

Issei looked at his master with a look of boredom. "Let's see. Azazel is the type who just wants to play video games and research sacred gears. Serafall just wants to dote on Sona and act on her TV show. Meanwhile if this works Sirzechs will be extremely happy because he doesn't have to worry about people attacking his baby sister. Plus, all of them know the dangers of war and will want to avoid it There's nothing to be nervous about" Issei replied lazily.

"I see" Rias replied almost in disbelief since he was right. Her brother and Serafall didn't like fighting after all they went through in the Civil War and Azazel seems to be nonchalant. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

"There is one thing I'm concerned with" Issei said calmly as he looked at his fellow peerage members.

"What's that Issei" Irina wondered.

"If it's me you don't have to worry Issei. I'm confident enough to come to the meeting. Our training has worked really well" Gasper spoke up shocking Rias and Issei.

"Very well then" Issei replied with a smirk. Issei's training did wonders for Gasper's confidence and Issei was extremely close to making the kid into the mini me he desired. Issei then focused his magic and created a clone of himself much to everybody's shock.

"How long have you been able to create clones" Rias exclaimed. Issei had hidden things from her yet again and her first question was did Sona know about it.

"I've been able to create clones for a while. However I haven't seen the need to show them off" Issei shrugged. Turning to his clone Issei said sternly, "You know what to do".

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