Familiars, New Foes and Old Friends.

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"Issei, Asia, I have a special treat for you guys today." Rias said with a wry smile on her face.

"What's that?" Asia wondered innocently. Of course Issei knew what was coming since Sona told him this morning and Asia wasn't aware of their conversations for the most part.

"You're going to be getting a familiar today." Rias said happily.

"What's a familiar?" Asia wondered once again.

"A familiar is basically an assistant that can be sent to do tasks for you when you cannot." Rias explained.

"Ah, I see!" Asia said cheerfully.

Rias was concerned by the fact that Issei didn't react at all. "Hmm, no thoughts, Issei? I would've thought the idea of a familiar would be more exciting to you." Rias wondered. She still didn't have a good read on Issei and she didn't like it.

"Well, the idea is interesting, but I'm curious about your familiars." Issei replied with a smile.

"Alrighty then." Rias said calmly. The rest of the ORC nodded before summoning their familiars: Kiba had a small brown hawk; Koneko had a small white cat; Akeno had an eyeball with wings; of course that left Rias.

"I'm surprised you're not showing off your familiar, Rias." Issei said with a devious grin. After all he knew that her familiar was the creature who he saw before his date.

"Oh fine." Rias said nervously before showing off the very familiar creature. Issei's lack of reaction bothered her even more.

"These are all cool and I hope I get one that's just as fun." Issei said nonchalantly.

"Well, with that over with, I figured I'd introduce you and Asia to the other group of devils in the school." Rias said calmly. The fact Issei didn't say anything was troublesome but she had other tasks to deal with.

"There's another group of devils in Kuoh?" Issei exclaimed with a false surprise.

"That's right." Rias said calmly as a knock on the door interrupted them. "Come on in." Rias said nervously. Soon enough the student council had arrived.

"So Rias, did you explain familiars to them?" Sona said smiling as she walked in the room. Sona was happy to see Issei and she hoped that her secret boyfriend would behave. Unfortunately she knew him well enough to know that he wouldn't.

"HAHAHA! Oh this is rich!" Issei laughed out loud at the student councils arrival. Of course he knew about the peerage but decided to play the fool.

"I don't see what's so funny, Issei Hyoudou?" Sona growled. Somehow Rias still wasn't aware of their relationship so she had to be careful. However seeing him laugh like this wasn't very comforting. Over the year they were together, Sona learned about the many aspects of Issei's personality and she could tell his sarcastic side was coming out.

"Well, Matsuda and Motohama always called the student council president a devil. Turns out they were right." Issei joked causing most of the crowd to face fault.

"Seriously Issei, that's how you react to all of this?" Rias groaned both from Issei's antics and the fact he didn't' react to seeing Sona. She figured that if he knew Serafall he knew Sona somehow but that wasn't the case.

"Hmph, show some respect, pervert." Saji said angrily. Saji Genshirou was Sona's pawn and Issei was well aware of his attraction for his master.

"Enough Saji." Sona said angrily. This was the kind of thing she wanted to avoid. She knew about Saji's attraction to her and so did Issei. As a result she was worried that Issei would bully the young man mercilessly.

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