The Legacy of Excalibur

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"Run Isaiah!" A young voice screamed in pain.

"You have to get away!" Another voice screamed.

"Don't worry about us!" A third voice screamed. These voices were in the middle of a burning building hidden in the forest. The person they were yelling at was just outside the building and had managed to escape earlier. All you could see was his blonde hair and light blue eyes but he appeared to be around 11 years old.

"Guys, I promise I'll survive." The boy in question said once again before turning away from the building in tears knowing that his friends were about to die. He ran as long as he could and when he looked back all he saw was flames and knew that he could've easily been one of the kids trapped within the conflagration if his friends hadn't found a way to save him. So Isaiah ran as long as he could and wondered just what would happen next.

(Real world)

"I haven't thought about that night in a long time. That can't be good." Kiba Yuuto said as he woke up in a cold sweat. That nightmare was about his time as a member of what's known as the Holy Sword Project, a project that was held by the church whose goal was to teach young exorcists how to wield the fragments of the legendary Holy Sword Excalibur. The reason they called him Isaiah is that it was his true birth name. Kiba Yuuto was a name given to him by Rias Gremory after she saved him from that monstrous place but she was too late to save his friends and comrades. Since he knew he wasn't getting back to sleep for a long time he decided to take a walk around town hoping to calm down and use the rain to cool his head. As Kiba walked he tried to reflect on that time; a time when he dreamed of fighting devils instead of being one. However he was interrupted by a very unpleasant voice.

"Well well well. It's been a while, pretty boy. Not since that house" A figure said with sadistic glee.

"Who's there?" Kiba growled as he quickly created a blade using his sword birth.

"Oh you know. I'm just your friendly neighborhood psycho priest, Freed Zelzan." The priest said gleefully as his figure came into view. Kiba didn't focus on the man's appearance because he noticed his blade first.

"That sword!" Kiba shouted in rage having completely ignored the exorcist. Now his dream made sense. His mind was telling him that soon revenge would be his.

"Hmm? Oh, you mean my new buddy here?" Freed said as he swung a jagged blade around like it was nothing. The odd blade gave off a holy aura very familiar to Kiba, one that he wished he could forget.

"Why do you have an Excalibur!?" Kiba yelled out as he started to charge the mad priest until a new figure appeared between them.

"That's quite enough, Kiba Yuuto. Stand down and let me deal with this blade." The figure ordered. The figure in question had long blonde hair and had a business suit. When he turned towards Kiba he could see the spectacles on his face.

"NO! I MUST DESTROY IT!" Kiba yelled out angrily. His calm exterior was broken and all he felt was rage.

"I understand your anger. However, I must insist that I take over." The figure said sternly.

"NO! THIS IS MY FIGHT!" Kiba growled at the mysterious figure his anger slowly fading but he was still ready to fight.

Freed Zelzan was confident, but he wasn't foolish and he knew that he couldn't beat both of the new warriors. "Uhh, screw that! I'll see you later, losers!" Freed shouted as he escaped while Arthur and Kiba were distracted.

"No! I can't let him get away!" Kiba shouted as his rage faded and his focus was all on his goal. He was about to charge after Freed but the man appeared in front of him again blocking his way.

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