Special Chapter: Revelations

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AN: I adjusted the timeline of Irina's departure last chapter because it was correctly pointed out that the timeframe between Irina leaving and her arriving the same day was ridiculous even by supernatural standards. More will be explained in this chapter.

As he led the girls to the living room the only thing on Issei's mind was how much he screwed up. As the girls sat down, Issei noticed that Xenovia had a small bag with her as did Irina. For Xenovia, Issei figured it was the few personal possessions she had from the church but he was surprised that Irina had some luggage as well. "Would you girls like some tea" Issei asked innocently.

"Thanks Issei" Irina said with a solemn expression on her face. Issei knew that expression only came from somebody who was really upset and he went about the business of making tea, both for the girl's sake and for his.

Once he was done he handed the girls the tea and hoped that this would be a simple conversation. "So how's the tea" Issei asked innocently. He really didn't want to have the conversation he knew was coming so he tried to delay it.

"How long did you know?" Irina said firmly before taking some of the tea to calm her down. She was trying to hold back all of her anger and sadness, but she was having a hard time doing so.

Issei shrugged in defeat because Irina got straight to the point. "I figured it out a few days after you arrived." Issei revealed shocking both girls. "I didn't tell you because I knew how much it would devastate you and I knocked you out the day of the battle because I figured it would be easier that way."

"Well you were wrong Issei Hyoudou. You were very wrong! When we got back to our base we gave our report but Xenovia insisted on making hers after mine and that she did it alone. I figured that she just didn't want me going nuts about the details of the battle but boy was I wrong. When I went to see her after she made her report, I notice her packing her things and I realize something was wrong. It took me a little while to get her to spill the news and boy was it a doozy. God was dead and because she learned the truth she was kicked out of the church." Irina cried out. The pain in her voice was obvious and Issei couldn't get a word in edge wise. "I couldn't believe it so I ran over to my dad and he confirmed everything. Luckily for me, I convinced him to let me come with her to Kuoh and thus you see us here." Irina continued taking the time to sip some tea and calm down. Xenovia of course was drinking her tea calmly since she expected all of this.

"Sorry about that." Issei said regretfully. He hated that he put Irina in this position but he had no choice given the circumstances.

"I get it Issei, I really do. You knocked me out to protect me from learning the truth but it still hurt." Irina said solemnly before finishing her tea.

"I should've told you the truth and I realize that now but you girls should get some rest. I'll take the couch while you girls can sleep in my bed." Issei suggested. No apology would've been enough and he knew it.

"Why don't we share the bed?" Irina suggested. She was planning on doing something other than sleeping and figured Issei would give in since he felt guilty.

"Sorry but no." Issei said sternly. True he wouldn't have had a problem with sleeping with both girls but considering how their day went Issei would feel guilty

"Issei I insist. Stay with us" Xenovia said sternly shocking the pair. She knew what her partner was after and given the circumstances, she was alright with it.

"Very well then" Issei shrugged. He figured one night couldn't hurt and he did spend most of the last trip with Irina anyway.

(Scene Skip)

"What are you doing Irina" Issei exclaimed after finally getting a second to breathe. When they arrived in Issei's room Irina shut the door and shocked the young man by grabbing him and kissing him on the lips. Xenovia moved away giving Irina her moment. Right now, Irina needed her best friend and as clueless as she could be, Xenovia knew that Irina needed this moment.

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