Regrets and Reconciliation

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As they flew back to the Gremory Estate the night's revelations certainly weighed on most people's minds. However one person was thinking of something very different, "Lord Tannin was the fact he was the clone the thing that Issei didn't want you telling us." Irina wondered as she flew on top of him. She was still quite annoyed at the fact Issei was a clone.

"No it wasn't and even if it was I couldn't tell you." Tannin said firmly.

"Why not" Irina pouted.

"Because as a dragon I am sworn to secrecy on certain matters and that is one of them. You'll find out when the Red Dragon Emperor is ready"

"Fine" Irina groaned. She'd have to coax it out of Issei another way. Not to mention there was something else that was bothering her and she'd deal with that later.

(Scene Skip)

When the gang arrived back at the mansion Irina was secretly hoping that Issei wasn't back. After all this way she could confront Rias privately. As everybody seemed to disperse Irina waited and went up to the Gremory heir. "Rias can I talk to you about something in private" Irina said with a rare serious tone.

"Okay" Rias said calmly. She hadn't had much chance to talk to Irina so she was looking forward to it. When they made their way to the kitchen the two finally sat down to chat. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Coffee for me, I don't share Issei's fondness for tea." Irina teased. It was a well-known fact within the devils, that when he wasn't at school Issei only drank tea.

"That's fine I don't like it much either." Rias teased. After a minute or so the coffee was finished so Irina could finally take care of the question that was bothering her.

"Rias, how did Issei become your servant?" Irina said bluntly. Issei was hesitant to mention the story but she could tell that Rias was involved.

"Why do you want to know?" Rias wondered nervously. She was aware of Irina's devotion to Issei and knew that if she learned the truth it could end badly for her.

"I'm just wondering that's all." Irina said innocently. She still didn't trust Rias and figured that finding out about Issei's origins as a devil might help her do so.

Rias was certainly nervous but realized that thanks to Sona she could deceive the angel for a bit. However she also knew that if she lied, Irina could find out the truth from Sona or Issei himself and she'd be screwed. "To be honest I got extremely lucky and I'm grateful that Issei became my servant despite what I was going to do"

"What do you mean" Irina wondered. The fact that Rias was saying that, meant that this was a doozy of a story.

"Let me explain" Rias said calmly as she began to explain the origins of she and Issei's relationship. She made sure to mention his time at Kuoh and against her better judgement revealed the connection to Raynare and the Phenex family. Needless to say Irina wasn't happy.

"So you're telling me that you were going to let Issei get killed by a fallen angel just to get out of a marriage!" Irina exclaimed.

"That's right?" Rias admitted with massive regret. The more she looked back on it the more ashamed of her actions she was.

"Unbelievable, how could you be so horrible?" Irina said angrily.

"That's enough Irina" Issei scolded as he appeared in the room.

"How long have you been back" Irina said angrily. Issei's appearance wasn't going to change her opinion.

"Oh I'm just a clone. We knew you couldn't resist talking to Rias so once the boss figured it out he quickly made a clone to check on matters."

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