Damn I hate Love Triangles

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(Student council room)

"Did he just say Balance Breaker?" Serafall gasped. After all the balance breaker was the pinnacle of the sacred gears power and somehow he achieved it.

"Yes he did, but when did he get it?" Sona questioned. The new revelation clearly caught her off guard.

"Wait, what do you mean when did he get it? I thought you two were training together this whole time!" Tsubaki exclaimed.

"We were, Tsubaki. He must've done it when I wasn't with him." Sona exclaimed. Issei had caught her off guard yet again.

"Well, then this is definitely about to get interesting. He was a monster without the Balance Breaker and now with it, he might be close to unstoppable." Serafall said happily. Everybody watching could only look on in shock as the red armor of the balance breaker surrounded Issei Hyoudou. The final battle of the rating game was about to begin. Who would be the victor, Phenex or Dragon?


"When could you use Balance Breaker?" Riser said almost in disbelief. Issei was exuding power like nothing he had seen before and he knew he was in trouble. The only way he could win is by using his stamina to outlast him.

"I've actually had it for a while, but I never saw a reason to show it off. Now seems like as good a time as any." Issei said with a savage grin on his face.

"Before we get started, I need to do one thing." Riser said calmly as he turned towards the two queen's fighting in the sky. "Yubelluna, that's enough fighting!" Riser shouted at his loyal queen. After all if Yubelluna lost the battle he would automatically lose and he definitely wanted to enjoy this battle.

"Akeno, please stop fighting also!" Issei said as well. He understood what Riser wanted to do and he was perfectly okay with the idea. The ironic thing was that Akeno appeared to be winning but Issei stopped her because he didn't want to be denied his battle.

"Aww, why did you stop me? I was about to win!" Akeno pouted as she flew down next to Issei.

"The reason I stopped you is because I want you to watch the battle between me and Riser. Riser seems determined to face me and I'm looking forward to facing off against him." Issei said calmly.

"Hmph, you're just being selfish." Akeno pouted.

"Maybe I am, but trust me when I say this, Akeno. My battle with Riser will be well worth it, and even if by some miracle he defeats me; He won't be able to survive against you, Rias, Kiba, and Koneko." Issei said with pride.

"Alright, but you better win!" Akeno said with a smile as she created some distance to watch the battle.

"Riser-sama, we must face him together." Yubelluna insisted. Yubelluna knew that if she and Riser worked together they could win, and since she still had the Phenex tear, they could turn it around.

"Just like I told Ravel. This battle is between me and him, and after that we'll see what happens." Riser admitted. Riser wanted to reclaim his honor for being so thoroughly thrashed during the battle. Plus with Rias still at full strength the battle was lost anyway since he would need to use a lot of strength to win this battle.

"Alright then, so shall we begin, Riser?" Issei said happily as he got into his battle stance.

"That's right, and to make it fair how about we start on Yubelluna's signal" Riser replied getting into his own stance.

"Sounds good to me." Issei replied as the boosted gear roared to life.


"Alright gentlemen, here we go!" Yubelluna said as she rose her hand to the sky. "3... 2... 1... AND GO!" Yubelluna announced dropping her hand to the ground and starting the battle.

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