Dangerous Foes and Powerful Allies

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(Issei's room)

For Issei Hyoudou, waking up with a naked girl next to him had become a common theme over the last year. However, instead of Sona being the girl in question, this time it was Irina Shidou his childhood friend. "Morning sleepyhead" Irina said happily before kissing him on the cheek. After they came back from the encounter with Freed, Irina decided to have sex with Issei yet again. She quickly realized that Sona was the person Issei practiced with and wanted to make sure that she could secure her place in his heart. In her mind the fact they had sex meant that she still had a chance.

"Morning Irina" Issei replied as he kissed her back. "Sorry but I gotta get going for my morning training and before you ask to come with me, I'm going alone" Issei insisted.

Irina was not happy at his childhood friend's secrecy, "Really Issei, you lecture Kiba and all of us about going out alone and yet you're still doing the same thing" Irina protested. She was worried about him and she didn't like the games.

"There are a few key differences between the two situations Irina. One Freed can't beat me. Two this is training so there's no risk of me becoming a stray. Finally, if something happens I know to get out of dodge." Issei reminded his friend.

"I get it Issei. Just remember that you still have school" Irina teased knowing that she couldn't win a war of words with him if she tried. Issei's point was solid and he was far stronger than Kiba.

"Yea yea" Issei retorted as he got up and prepared to get dressed.

"Hey Issei" Irina said bashfully.


"I love you." Irina said with a blush on her face. Her anger was based on her concern but she felt the need to remind him of her feelings.

"Me too Irina" Issei replied before using his magic circle to leave.

'Geez Issei. Why do you still hide stuff from me' Irina thought to herself before lying back down on the bed. Her attempt to go back to sleep were interrupted by her partner Xenovia who walked in calmly. "What do you want Xenovia? I'm not in the mood for one of your lectures" Irina said angrily. She was still angry that Xenovia had listened to them having sex the first night, something she found out as she tried to sneak over to Issei's the night before.

I'm surprised you're not following him." Xenovia questioned. Xenovia knew how important Issei was to Irina and the fact he was acting recklessly.

"I'm sure it's just morning training like he said. If he WAS going to do something dangerous he would tell us I'm sure." Irina explained. Deep down she knew Issei was hiding something, but she was afraid to find out.

Xenovia didn't buy her partner's response but decided to placate her for the moment. "Well I hope your right Irina. He's the key to everything happening" Xenovia replied. Issei's words the day before bothered Xenovia and it was clear she was badly missing something. 'What in the world is happening behind the scenes? Please, give me strength Griselda?' Xenovia thought to herself as she remembered her adopted mother and the strength she gave her.

(Scene Skip)

As Issei finished up yet another training session he smiled looking at the exhausted state of his opponent a young man with tan skin wearing a bright orange Gi with a symbol for Monkey King on his chest "So Bikou does this make up for the training session we missed the other day" Issei said smiling although he was exhausted.

"Yea it does. Although since Kokabiel's sure to make his move soon, I'm not sure if we should be having these intense sessions" Bikou replied equally as tired. Bikou was one of Vali's servants and although he normally wore an oriental robe he wore this gi for training.

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