White Dragons New Path

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(Gremory mansion early morning)

The day after the meeting Issei was back to his usual training in order to prepare for the battles to come. Usually Bikou Arthur or Vali would join him for his morning training but thanks to his training with Tannin he realized that he had the ultimate training partner with him.

"Wow, Tannin was right Ddraig. This is amazing" Issei said as he was dripping with sweat. During his training with Tannin, Issei figured out a way to combine dragonic clones and the boosted gear's transfer power in order to give Ddraig his own body. Issei was able to master it during some mental training overnight and now his new partner had arrived. The best part was, since it was a transfer he kept a portion of the boosted gears power which would've been the only complication.

"I agree. I must confess I never imagined I could use the boosted gear this way. It's a shame I can't keep this human form." Ddraig chuckled. Ddraig was about 6 foot tall with tan skin black hair and dark red eyes. He was currently wearing a red tank top with his symbol in the middle and back shorts. Issei was wearing a white t-shirt and back shorts.

"Well it helps because now I have a powerful partner and the best part is I can still use the boosted gear." Issei smirked.

"I hate to ruin the fun but the others should be waking up soon."

"Yea I need to get back and so do you" Issei smirked.

"It was fun while it lasted." Ddraig shrugged before touching the gauntlet and returning to the boosted gear.

(Vali's mansion)

"So Vali what are you going to do about our little buddy" Bikou wondered as the group sat down for breakfast.

"Yea I mean isn't this guy a known traitor. We really should tell Sirzechs." Kuroka warned.

"That's unnecessary, Sirzechs screens Lord Vali's mail." Arthur reminded the group.

"Yep and now we can focus on the battle with that Zephyrdor guy. I'm gonna enjoy crushing him." Vali said with a savage grin on his face and a slight killing intent leaking.

"Uhh is Master Vali okay" Le Fay wondered nervously.

"He's fine Le Fay. That guy insulted his mate so naturally as a dragon he wasn't pleased" Albion chimed in.

"I see" Le Fay replied knowing that as a dragon Vali was going to take out his irritation on the young man when they fought and from the intent leaking from him there was a LOT of irritation.

"Speaking of dragons are you gonna tell Hyoudou?" Bikou wondered.

"Of course" Vali smiled as he returned to his food.

(Scene Skip)

Issei sat in the male side of the Gremory family hot springs after his morning training getting in his typical bath. "This feels nice. Shame it isn't the usual bath but I'm not that sore." Issei smirked.

"That's because I took it easy on you partner. Once we return home we can start the real training." Ddraig said with a smile.

Issei was thrilled with that news since his first match was going to be his favorite victim, "Poor Saji he has no idea what's." Issei started to gloat but realized that somebody was joining him. At first he figured it was Rias trying to join him as usual but he was shocked to find a different person coming to see him.

"Partner isn't that"

'Yep, it seems the talk was more successful than I thought.' Issei replied internally to his partner. After all, his guest was Akeno Himejima.

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