Chapter 52 Hidden

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"Tell me I Didn't" I said.

"Oh shit but You did"

"I think I shot him on somewhere in the chest too"

"If you shot Nine inches left or right he would've died"

I gasped. My eyes widened. "Is he still alive? Oh wait he is what stupid question I'm asking"

"Well, Funny thing He lost as much blood you lost in combined"

"That little?"

"That much.. He had to get blood to survive damn you stupid"

"Then how did I survived? Who gave me blood?"

"I Don't remember his name. I Heard he was Friend of your mother or something"

"Oh.. It might've cost him alot"

"It Didn't. "

"Thank god It wasn’t you. I'd be grossing out for the rest of my life"

There was again a huge silent.

I was thinking what would've happened if I shot him Nine Inches left or right.

"Can he talk? I mean how is he?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes and then said, "he is just as fine as you" I sighed.


"You haven't answered my questions"

"Now what?"

"About you and your Dylan"

"Don't you know already?"

"I just want to hear it from you. Like that day in blind date, did you purposely did that? Like you were annoyed at me always protecting yoi with extra guards so you wanted to go outside on your own"

"Okay You know so why are asking?"

"Damn, you could've died. What if We Weren't there? What if you ended up killing yourself or him?"

"It's all what ifs"

We heard the bedroom door opening. We both looked at the direction. Mom came out of the room and came to us.

"Can you both just go to sleep? I can't sleep. You two are so loud" she said.

I remembered mom has this sound problem. She can't sleep in a soundful place. Not even a little sound can be fine for her to sleep.

"Yeah.. Goodnight" I waved at Ethan and walked inside the bedroom with mom.


"Mom I'm sleeping with you. It's been long" I ignored him and went inside. I closed the door.

Damn thanks mom. That lunatic wasn't gonna stop that easily.


"Mom?" I called.

She was on the other side of the bed facing her back toward me. I have been thinking about something that It pevented me from sleeping.

"Are you asleep?" I asked.

I heard her sighing and turning around to face me. "What honey?" She asked in a comforting voice.

"Who gave me blood?" I asked right away.

"He Didn't tell you yet?"

"He was about to" I Didn't want to her to think that he already did or she wouldn’t tell me.

"He himself gave you blood. Thank fully you are AB positive and he is A positive" 

I was silent for a good moment. He told me someone else gave me blood. He kept it hidden from me

"How much?

" he gave twice full of pint. You were in the hospital for several weeks. He had to go Through medical care after giving much blood"

"Why? You could've brought anyone but him. I can take any blood types. He could've died"

"We tried no one was interested to give.. And-"

"Mom, you can't always take Ethan like that. To save me You'll kill him"

"I've tried to stop him. But he is really stubborn. You think I do it? Wrong.. He, himself does this. " her voice confronting but Quite.

I sighed . Now that I think of it, I have his blood inside me.

"Oh god Ethan "

"Take some Rest,"

"He needs it too. He is overworking all the time"

"He is under medical care just as you. He just came to see you"

Why'd he have to do so many things for me?

"Will you move out?" mom asked while I was staring at the ceiling.

"I Don't know"

I was sure I'd move out. But since Ethan is Acting different it really made me confused.


Few days later..

"Did you get the flowers?" I asked mom. Last time mom came was also the last time I saw Ethan. Now again he is Here with her. I was starting to think that He is her Secretary or something..

She nodded as positive.

It's been a few days, I was feeling much better. We decided to visit Janice's place as they invited us.

She hands the flower to Ethan. I Didn't even glance at him.

"So we're fine to go?" I asked. She again nodded and walked Out. We both were standing for a good minute. His Scent was swirling all around me.  I felt like if I stay here for a while I'll start to smell like him. I Don't mind though...

"Ehem, We should go" I said still without looking at him. His face maked me loose shit.

"How are you feeling? " I asked him while putting on my boots..

He was silent. I looked at him to make sure If he was distracted enough to not to hear me only to find him staring at me. The cornee of his lips ups a bit. I could say a faint smirk.

"Why do you ask?"
It felt like why do you care..

"I heard the truth about blood from mom"

"So you Don't feel grossed out?"

It feels special to have your blood inside me Ethan..

"I'm trying to ignore it. The thought of your blood is disgusting me probably"

He laughed. I look at him Again. "What?" I asked. "Nothing.. You're just adorable" He said.

"Ew please"

He shouldn’t know my heart is beating faster than a bullet train. My emotions must be hidden from him.

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