Chapter 27 Faint Memory

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"Okay, I understand you're really angry and pissed off," he said.

"Honestly, just leave. I feel sick just looking at your face," I replied sharply.

"What did I do wrong?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion.

"Don't act like nothing happened. Your damn face—I swear, sometimes I just want to kiss it roughly."

"Oh," he responded quietly, suddenly silent.

"You've done so much... but I don't think you feel the same way," I confessed, my emotions raw.

Maybe he realized I was talking about him? He sat there quietly for a few seconds.

"Who said I don't feel what you feel?" he asked, his expression serious and intense.

"Do you?" I replied calmly but with a hint of uncertainty.

"Yes," he affirmed.

"Really?" I felt a sudden rush of excitement, leaning in closer to him as he sat in front of me. "Really?" I asked again, almost breathless. He seemed to smile, or maybe smirked.

"Of course," he replied, and I couldn't resist; I cupped his face gently and pecked his lips, catching him off guard. "Did you feel that?" I questioned eagerly. He glanced at my lips, his expression unreadable.

I felt a surge of frustration. His uncertainty was both endearing and irritating, that I wanted...

"What happened next?!" I found myself sitting on my bed, hand on my forehead, feeling incredibly wired. "What the heck did I do?!!!" I replayed the events in my mind a thousand times. I could recall the beginning but not the end—why though? I remembered the sequence of events, how they unfolded, but not their conclusion. Maybe I was drifting off?

Did I kiss him again? Or did he kiss me? Or perhaps I became frustrated, pushed him away, said something hurtful, and then lost consciousness?

Those were the thoughts that haunted me as I prepared to sleep. But what led up to that moment?

A faint memory lingered, causing me to toss and turn in bed. There was an overwhelming urge to remember exactly what happened, but it eluded me.

Should I call him? The thought crossed my mind, and I even dialed his number, only to hang up before making the call. I tried to stay composed, to keep calm amidst the confusion.

Soon after, my phone buzzed with Janice's name flashing on the screen. I wasted no time in answering.

"Hello!" Janice's voice came through with a mix of amusement.

"Wow, why so eager?" 

"You won't believe what happened," she blurted out.

"What happened?" my tone shifted to concern.

"We... we slept together last night," she confessed, the words feeling surreal as they left her mouth.

There was a pregnant pause on the line, and she could almost hear Janice processing her revelation. Then, I started speaking rapidly, almost as if to fill the void of silence that had settled between us.

"Sleep? There's no way that could have happened, right?"

"Oh, congratulations," I added sarcastically.

"Why are you acting weird? What really happened?"

"What do you mean, 'what happened'?" I countered, feeling defensive.

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