Chapter 47 Long Time No See

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I was getting More and more nervous. I wanted to her to be at home. I was  busy enough to even check up on her and everything about where she might go a where she might end up. today is really an important day. I ended up turning a blind eye on her. She said she would be home so it must be safe it was getting late so I left earlier.

the graveyard where are my father was burried is not so far from where I live. I am still Greatfull I didn't tell Ely about it or she is really stubborn she might have come here. I walk Toward my father's grave and I saw a man standing there. I knew who it was I wanted to see what he was up to. I had this thing if I call for emergency they will burge in no minute. because they were waiting for my call.

"What a day! I had to see you here in front of our Father who made a family like this", he said. he knew I was there. I stood beside him, "you sure he made this? he made this family but you made this mess".

He laugh at my words as if it was a joke. I wish I could laugh too over his dead body by now. I still remembered it after mom got remarried. I was atmy room. I was staring outside the window at the stars.seeing mom happy made a thousands times happier. Aiden suddenly came in the room and slapped me across my face. he started blaming all this thing on me.

          he kept saying I was the reason why he had to kill dad because dad named all the money on my name.he kept telling on the reason why he wanted to kill Nina because he wanted to see me in desperate pain. he have tried to kill my mom new child. she was a few month pregnant. Dad lost his second child Because of him. It made mom traumatised and dad hated Aiden to death. But soon after Sister came.

Hannah, since my sister came home our family was getting better our family was becoming happy again. This made him more Furious he wanted to be the want to be loved only.

he wanted to get all to himself. I started to see him in different light. a person who is really greedy for everything. the day mom got it kidnapped he called me and said I was the reason why he wanted to give both mom and my sister a painfull death.if I die he would leave them at peace.

but he was so jealous that I was good at everything that I was getting everything. Nina, Happy Family, money everything was on my side. seeing me with Nina made him more furious. more and more Furious seeing smile on my face. now if the nation would have loved me too he would grow more angry.

seeing my mom's worst-ever state started giving me all the bad vibes. I was afraid that Hannah would lost her first born. I was afraid of my step dad getting killed then mom would be lonely again. even though the marriage was planned, he protected us no matter what. I never blamed him as long as mom was happy.

because of me you went after after Nina too and worst could happen. "only if you died all the charity I would name after myself and leave all of you alone." that's what he always said.

I did think of suicide just like Ely. I trued to kill myself twice. once, went in front of a train but got saved and another Faked a car accident. Despite of getting injured badly I survived.

           I made a promise to Hannah after that no matter what I will never give up. she knew I did all of that on purpose. she promised not to tell anyone unless i do that Again.

The reason why Aiden is doing this is not Me. He blames other when he cannot get what he wants. After seeing Nina's state, I understood what she felt. I know how it feels but killing ourselves only makes the wrong one get whatever they wants. it makes us weak. "I'm going to fight for me and you dad" I thought while. standing there.

"Long time no see" he said.

"Brother you are still alive.glad to see that even though I told you to die a thousands of times" he added.

" just because you wanted me dead doesn't mean that I have to die"

" oh that's savage. you have got your priorities up there brother."

he kept reminding me the we are blood related which I really hate.

"Thank God you are sti alive. so that I can kill you with my bare hands."

He said. He laughed.

"As If"

"Also you have gotten really handsome in time. She must be drooling over you"

I could smell his jealousy. I smirked because I never lose anything. I have nothing to loose. it is always him that loses. his Rubbish actions make him lose Everything.

"Do you know what's dad's last wish?"I asked

" oh, I do want to know about the box"he said.

the box.. there was a letter which I sneakily read as they Didn't let me when i wanted.

In that letter there was nothing but grieving and angerness like he knew it all to well..

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