Chapter 43 Janice,the Friend I'd die for in high school

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"But they are different. I checked his photos. Dylan has dark blonde but he has light blonde" I retorted. Hearing that he sighs.

He leaned on the kitchen counter. He seemed worried. Worried about me? I Didn't want to think that way.

"I'm going to bed" I told him i was tired. I got inside and closed the door.

We were in the same apartment a few feets away but still i felt there was a huge distance between us. It felt like we are strangers or just met. The past of us seemed to be forgotten. I glanced at my wrist.

Does he know how it feels? Will he come to me to comfort me? Kneel before me while I'm crying sitting on a bed? Sit beside me so that i can rely on his shoulder? It all feels impossible to happen.

He who had turned into cold and serious rather than the old Ethan who was cold but not to me, not to my family, not to his family but he is now fully cold.

I can't blame him.. So many things happened to me, i bet so many happened to him too orelse he wouldn't be like this.

I want this hell to end for ever.

I heard the door closing. I knew he left. I got out of the room Just as i expected he wasn't there.

I went and stood where he was Standing. How it felt to see me from here. What was he thinking? What he wnated to do at the moment?

I wanted to know everything..

My phone rang all of a sudden pulling me out of this thoughts. I picked it up

"Hey Mom" i said.

"Hey dear how are you doing in your new apartment?"

She wanted to cheer me up

"Just fine"

"Just fine?"


"I have a good news"

"What is it?"

"You're new neighbour I told you about remember? "

"What neighbour? "

"Lives few doors away? Gave me an umbrella when it was heavy raining"

I Didn't remember when she said that. It might've been in hospital.those days were really rainy. But i just act like i do remember.


"They had a son a few days ago. Isn't it great? They all had daughters. He is the first born son in the whole Family"

"Yeah that's great."

"I went to see him. He looks exactly like hjs handsome father. Oh my"

I wondered what my son or daughter would look like.. Like their father or me. Why am i even thinking about this hell.

"What's the son's name? "

" Jonas"

"Good name"

"They named it after her mother Janice"

"Did you say janice? "


"who's the father?"


I wonder did they have a happy ending? Not an ending. Ttue love has no ending. But are they still together?

"Jake. They were together since high school"

They did. It was surely true love. A rare true love which is found nowhere. Like Janice told me back then. Like Jake told me that day I clearly remember.

"She invited us. Why Don't we go there tomorrow"

"That'd be nice"

That'd be Nice. I lose contact with everyone after moving to paris. But i Didn't know she'd come to Paris too..


A person I could die for in high school. The person who was by my side Until she wasn’t. Until I left her. I sometimes thought she might not even think me as her good friend. But it was just a thought that crossed my mind for a second for the first and last time.

Because she was always there when i needed her the most not for herself but for me. If there would be a a great choice whoever among friends? she really chose me among everyone I'd say.

Because she showed me her priorities. She Didn't just tell me in text that boo You're mine, You're special. Whatever happened she called me, wherever she went she took me with her, never ever hesitated to stay in my house even though my house was far from her. She stayed with me when i got sad she helped me, when i was angry and ignored her she came to me. I Didn't think that she Doesn't have anyone else beside me, because that wasn’t the truth.. She Chose me beside everyone she had. She really made me feel Special. Even though it was in high school i feel blessed to have this friend.
            Taught me the meaning of a true best friend.

I had still contact with her until i got my phone stolen and lose the contacts with almost everyone. I tried to find her but failure was the only thing left for me that time.

Now she is the neighbour of me? That meant Ethan and Janice lived in the same building. Jake too.. And i know exactly nothing. It was Because i became too introvert to care. Or I'd say distracted?

I want to see what's her reaction would be when she would see me after this long time.

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