Chapter 38 Flowers

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It's not easy

I said on my mind. Before he says anything someone interrupted him. "She needs some rest" i heard a nurse saying. I glanced at him. He nodded his head looking down and walked out of there. His hair was covering eyes when he was looking down so I couldn’t see anything.

I hope i won't be him ever again atleast not again today. I look outside and see birds flying and so many clouds sparkling Through the sunlight. I just don't want to be involved in any kind of anything right now.

I'm just upset for me right now if i had chance to again. I will never hasitate to do this ever again. I'm just looking forward for it to happen again. I'm so unlucky that he was home that day.if he wasn't in my home this wouldn't have happened.

nothing else left for me anyway. either someone kill me or i will try to kill myself again and if I fail, I'm going to try it again.I will keep trying trying trying until it's done.

I looked outside it felt was cold too.

Some more days passed and I was in utter confusion of my life. I refused to meet whoever wanted to see me. I needed some time to stay stable.Mom came to see me most of the time but I was just silent. I Didn't speak anything to her. She asked many things but I never replied. I felt terrible for doing this to her but I lose the Appetite of life.

           The day I will be recharged someone came to visit me.

He gave me a bouquet of flower and left. He was wearing a black jacket and white t-shirt, black mask with a black cap. I Didn't recognise him. He left without saying anything and I was left in confusion. I Didn't ask anything either.

I saw a letter stuck with the flowers.

           I took it out and read the letter. My heartbeating increases as the panic strikes inside me. I look around and there's No one. Not a single Nurse or patient. It was me all alone. I get more panic. "Nina" i hide the letter behind me and look at the direction. Mom! "It's time to leave"

yeah right. Why did he came before me Leaving.

"Nina?" I looked at her again. "Are you okay?" I noded my head without saying any word. "You look pale" She came closer to touch my face but I move her hand away. She takes a step back.

"Don't touch me please" The only words she heard from me after a while. That's when i realised just because i Didn't speak for a while my voice feels like it kind of changed.

"Okay Honey" she sounded disappointed. It's better to feel disappointed over me rather than knowing me.

Right then she got a call from someone.Seeing the caller she stepped away from me making sure I Won't hear her conversation.

"Yeah today"

"Yeah she is okay"


"Right now? I Didn't see anyone. I was here at the time"

She glanced at me and whispered something which I couldn’t hear. It could be they wete talking about me.

She came to me and asked "did anyone come here?" I looked at her and acted like thinking.then i moved my head as a No. "Like doctors,Nurse or anyone" she asked again. So they were talking about me. I act annoyed and reply "No"..

She seems to be relieved. Funny how she really believed me. I looked at the bouquet amd at the same time she looked at It. " who brought it?" she seems panicked again. "My friend Brought these last night" as i know no one was here last Night. She smiled and said, "Your friend is so kind"
           He is not

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