Chapter 10 More than Ten shots

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[This chapter contains drinking and vulgar viewpoint]

The next day

They had arranged everything beautifully; only family members and close friends were present. It was a heartfelt moment, as her father prepared to walk her down the aisle. The intimate gathering added a special touch, making the occasion even more meaningful. As her father took her arm, a sense of pride and emotion filled the room, highlighting the deep bond between them. This was a moment everyone would cherish forever.


I stood beside her mother, refusing to join the maids. The moment finally arrived for her father to bring her in. As everyone cleared the way, she appeared in a stunning white dress, her face partially veiled but her radiant smile visible.

One step, two steps.

She walked gracefully, holding her father's hand, his tears sparkling even from a distance. Her braid swayed with each step, and many in the crowd couldn't hold back their tears.

"How quickly time has passed, and we didn't even realize," murmured the woman next to me as she went to greet him.

"Yes, I do..."

The wedding unfolded smoothly, filled with emotions. As the ceremony drew to a close, it was time for her to throw the bouquet.

"Ready, everybody?" she asked, and the crowd responded with an enthusiastic "Yes!" She tossed the bouquet into the air, but I wasn't particularly interested in catching it. Just as it seemed someone else would grab it, another hand snatched it mid-air.

Everyone groaned in disappointment, and I glanced around to see Ethan holding the bouquet. To my surprise, he approached me, dropped to one knee, and extended the flowers towards me.

"Take it, my Princess," he declared, prompting a chorus of "oooohhhhhh" from the onlookers. I took the flowers and quickly helped him to his feet, whispering, "What do you think you're doing? Everyone is watching."

He merely smirked, leaving me momentarily speechless. "Ugh," I bit my lip in frustration. I didn't feel embarrassed; instead, I felt like I had lost to him in some unspoken game.

Time Skip to next day.

I was getting ready to go home when I suddenly felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind. Startled, I caught a whiff of a familiar scent. "Hey," I said softly.

"Want to stay at my place?" he asked.

"No! I mean, no," I stammered, my mind racing. Staying at his place was dangerous, I thought.

"I have some work to do," I added hastily. He turned me around, and I realized how close he was.

"Is it more important than me?" he asked, his gaze intense.

"I-it is, Ethan," I stuttered. In a rush, I grabbed my bag and ran out the door.

Come on, Nina, stay away from him! I urged myself.

As I was putting on my shoes, his mom approached me and said, "Why don't you stay a few more days?" I politely declined, saying, "It's okay, thanks anyway." With that, I grabbed my bag and hurried out.

Once I got home, I collapsed onto my bed, exhausted. "Ugh, he was so close," I muttered to myself, replaying the moment in my head.

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