Chapter 23 Jealousy?

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To ignore him i went to my room while he was sitting there with his mischievous look.i grabbed a pillow and blanket and went towards him.i threw it all at his face but he was fast enough to grab it before it could even touch his face.

"you are sleeping on the croucher"i said with an irritated tone.i Don't know why i was annoyed was it for the kiss or his look which was hard to bear.i turned around and closed the door.i stand on the frame of the door feeling embarrassed.i jumb on the bed and lay on the phone rang as if it received a text.i took out my phone to check was from Ethan.


I want to sleep on bed iam guest you should treat your guest better

You are more like a cockroach than Guest

What do you mean by cock-
Someone is getting high

Do you know you are boring like i guess you might get that alot too

I get that iam so breathtaking,handsome,cool,talented,lovely and so on these words never stop

You should keep you high self-esteem aside that's annoying
Iam sleeping Don't text me again.

Good night baby

Ew not 'baby' ugh asshole
Worst night to you
And stop Texting

I put my phone aside.i smiled at the sense that even if we are at the same place he still texted me.he could've just yelled or something.i closed my eyes trying to focus on Just sleeping.after that day he went home after breakfast nothing evening Janice called me at a place which was unknown by me as i still Didn't travel alot turned out to be a basketball place.reaching there i met janice.unfortunately Ethan was there too.Jake was there so he would be there Absolutely.

"now what the fuck is Ethan doing here?" i asked janice being annoyed thinking about the last night not wanting to face him.

"Why what happened?" She asked being confused.b'cause we did became close in her eyes but that became a problem.

"Hi I'm Ralph" A man came to me out to of nowhere making me startled.i looked at him confused.

"Oh Hey Nina It's my childhood friend Ralph,Ralph meet Nina" she was saying as if we are here for a blind date.i said hello and nothing else i looked away.he wanted me to say more but i was Quiet.i noticed Ethan staring at me.i could feel his stare in the corner of my evil idea came upon my head i turned to Ralph with a smile in my face.i playfully hit his shoulder which made him confused."hey seems like We've net before right?"i asked.he smiled as a formality and replied,"uh y-yeah?i Don't think we have?"

"Oh but you look familiar"

"He plays basketball alot so you might've seen him at any sports or something or in tv?have you ever been recorded?" Janice said and asked while looking at Ralph.he looked at her and laughed as if he heard a joke."No never lol why would i? I am not popular as Them tho"he said pointing at Ethan and Jake.we look at them laughing.Janice and i look at each other as our facial expression changed.


They were staring at us leaning on the wall.they weren’t alone but the expression of the two of them were quite scary.jealousy seen in their face.We both look at each rasing one of the eyebrows.i asked,"are you thinking what iam?"she replied,"Maybe?"we had More gossip.after that we went on Janice's place.i called it as a some sort of Sleepover as she was just the five of us including Ethan,me,Jake,Janice and Ralph.guess she wanted to play with him more?we played Truth and Dare there which caught a really big problem.

Truth or Dare?

It was spinning on Janice and Ralph on the most.i was sitting on the Between of Ralph and Ethan on the other hand Janice was sitting beside Ralph and Jake was beside her.the bottle finally stopped at me.

"Truth Or Dare?"


Let the game begin.

Kiss/hug/sex these all would be fucked up for me Janice was her turn to give me dare or i chose Dare she gave me an easy yet hard one.

"Flirt with someone beside you like with anyone."

I looked at Ethan i was hundred percent sure he would've thought i would choose him but then i did a full 180° and looked at Ralph.

We just met Today.he must be so pissed off

"Hey Boy" and they went woooooo.i put my hand on his thigh making him jump a little.i could sense he wasn’t a fuckboy or describe him i might say he was a Simple yet fine guy.he has his perfect light blonde hair,blue eyes like dark Ocean,smile as an innocent kid.

Most of the guys have blue eyes in this high school.

i smiled at him and said,"No wonder the sky is dark all the color is in your eyes."They went woooo once again.i added,"Your eyes are like the ocean.I could swim in them all day."he himself got shy and put hand in front his mouth like a shocked grandpa..i also added," I think there’s something wrong with my phone. Could you try calling it to see if it works?"and they started hitting floor and crouchers..

"That was fucking smooth Nina!" Janice said."come on we are not kid that was a normal catchy line every kid picks"i replied.i slightly glanced At Ethan but he seemed fine.he was laughing along with us.

Maybe he Doesn't give a fuck about it duh i thought.

It was time and i decided to go home earlier as it was useless Enough to talk to Ralph and waste my time Ethan seemed so fine.I left her place and started walking alone.after a Moment a felt a pair hands on my waist who grabbed me in a dark place nearby.i felt a scent and it wasn’t an unknown Scent i knew what just came up to me.

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