Thanksgiving [pt. 1]

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"remember the other day when you guys all went grocery shopping?"




its been nearly 2 weeks since sapnap and i officially started dating which was november 15th, its now thanksgiving, weve been sharing my room, now quackity and karl dont have to fight over who gets the spare room and who gets the sofa each night because karl has his room.

Dating sapnap has been one of the biggest privileges life has given me, hes genuinely the most caring, loving human being ive ever met, and i know that sounds cliché but i really mean it and i cant wait until the day i can call myself his girlfriend 

I bat my eyes open to the familiar scent of dior sauvage wrapped around me, i turn around to see sapnap isnt in bed this morning, the comforting smell was coming from his hoodie i was wearing. 

I slide off my bed and pull shorts out of the drawers under my bed. I put them on because although this hoodie travels down to my mid-thigh and you cant see them anyways, i dont want to just walk around in his hoodie and underwear. 

I head down to the kitchen to make pancakes, seeing george and quackity sat at the island.

"there she is" quackity says

"yes, it is i. Whats up?" I reply

"i need to move rooms" george says.

"why" i say, pulling the eggs and milk out of the fridge,

"because all i could hear all night was you and sapnap fucking" theyve been making jokes since we announced were dating, and now i know why we wanted to hold off from telling them and i regret telling them so soon.

"first of all, my rooms been soundproofed on our connected wall, and secondly, that wasnt last night... It was 2 nights ago" i say jokingly.

"ewww" they say in synchronization, like 2 kids who just watched their parents kiss.

"what was 2 nights ago?" sapnap asks entering the kitchen

"the last time yous slept together" quackity answers

"woah youre telling them our schedule now" he asks jokingly

"yep, sorry babe" i say, whisking my ingredients together.

"You guys are gross" quackity says fake gagging.

"youre just salty because you and emma arent officially dating yet." Nick says as he helps me with the pancakes, and by help i mean taking over. 

"whatever" he says putting his airpods in.

"hi" sapnap says after kissing my head.

"heyy" i say back

He flips his pancake "so, dinner" he says, turning to me

"what about dinner?" I ask.

"i booked a table at an extra fancy restaurant for the group" 

My eyes lit up in excitement, "really?" 

"yep at 5"

I squeal excitedly and hug him.

"oh wait i dont have a nice dress" 

"then we need to go shopping." He turns to focus back on the pancakes.

After we eat breakfast, i go get dressed to go shopping.

I wear my brown cargos, a black crop top and a brown plaid flannel shirt with black and white converse.

bane of my existence (sapnap x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now