Movie marathon

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"y/n, say sorry"


Ive been in Orlando for a few days now and i had fully gotten comfortable and everyones sleep schedules had synced.

Today we decided to have a horror movie marathon since i want to introduce them to the scream series. Me and Clay decided we would head out to buy snacks for later on. We went to the closest target to us.

"sooo?" Dream said like it was obvious what he was 'so-ing' about.

"so?" I replied as we head down the candy aisle.

"do you like sapnap??"

"i dont know i think its too early to tell right now"

"fair but didnt you guys technically go on a date the other day?"

"that wasnt a date clay, we hung out as friends"




I took a breath and just decided to ignore it and continue picking out snacks when nick sent me a list of snacks he and george wanted, followed by "good bitch😫"

I text back with "anything for daddy 🫡😫" jokingly and place my phone back in my pocket. Just then i look back up to see dream looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"what?" I say with a subconscious smile on my face.

"nothing" he replies to which i roll my eyes and turn to get the rest of the snacks.

Were now on the way back from target and were listening to music when 'uh-huh' starts playing and i start rapping along. 

"okay wtf.." Dream says breaking the silence after the song is done playing.


"since when do you listen to this song"

"since sapnap sang it while we were playing Minecraft a while ago." 

"yeah you definitely dont like the song, you like sapnap" 

As a response i flip him off but the more I think about it the more i realise hes probably right i mean, the song is completely just not my taste at all, but the person it reminds me of is... 

I shake off my thoughts as we start getting closer to our road, the target is only like 15 minutes away, were like 5 minutes away now so i text sapnap telling him to get ready to help with the bags.

As we pull into the garden i see george standing at the opened door waiting for us to arrive.

"sapnap is in the shower i saw the message on his phone" he explains as he opens the trunk to take 2 of the 5 shopping bags. I just nod and reach in to take 2 leaving just 1 for dream.

I place the bag on the counter and begin to unpack some of the snacks. As were bringing some of them into the living room sapnap walks out of the bathroom and into the living room. I look up at him noticing hes only wearing a towel at his waist and his hair is wet. Hes not super muscly, mostly tone with broad shoulders and nice ass thighs. 

"admiring the view y/n?" George says to which my face burns up and i lightly elbow him in the stomach, sapnap just grins at our antics and heads upstairs to change.

George whines to dream about how i winded him and dream tells him to do it back and as he turns to me and says "oh y/nnn" i take that as my cue to run.

I run upstairs and into the nearest room, that being sapnaps and as i press my back against the door i meet eyes with sapnap himself, wearing only black adidas joggers, he looks at me with amusement written all over his face.

"did you forget to knock y/n?" He says stepping closer to me, hes quite close now, slightly towering over me, still wet hair, "or are we just barging in on each other changing now?" I feel my face heat up again, that seems to happen a lot with him.

"sorry, george was chasing me"  


"i winded him" 

"oh fair"

He steps away and puts on a plain white shirt.

"ok come with me" he says taking my hand and walking me down the stairs and whn we get down george darts his vision towards me and i hide behind sapnap.

"y/n come here" george say jokingly demandingly

"no" i reply

"y/n, say sorry" dream says from the sofa, still holding my hand, sapnap pulls me out from behind him

"sorry" i say bluntly.

Everyone laughs and still holding sapnaps hand i walk over to the sofa, he pulls me back slightly and whispers "holding hands, are we now?"

I let go and say "sorry" and join the others at the sofa. I wasnt sure if he was actually bothered or not but i was slightly upset because he teases me and flirts with me but when it comes to holding my hand theres something wrong with it, even if he took my hand first? 

I notice dream has started up scream 1 so i sit back to watch the movie, i notice sapnap has sat beside me.


 During the 3rd movie i ended up placing my head on his shoulder remembering the hand holding situation and quickly removing it saying sorry. 

"stop saying sorry" he said while pulling me down to lean on him.  I laid into his side when i look over to dream to catch him glaring at me with a smile, i smile back and move in closer to sapnap.

After the third movie ended we ordered food before we started the last 2 movies, it was now 6pm and while we waited for our food to arrive i decided to put some of the snacks away and any rubbish in the bin, i brought some plates in to the living room for when the food comes. I got george to help with forks and glasses.

"so i was thinking and i think we should throw a party the night karl and everyone shows up, we can also invite any other friends?" Clay says

Everyone agrees and when the food arrives we start the last two movies.

[sapnaps pov]


I think i like her.


Thanks for reading i love youuuu

bane of my existence (sapnap x y/n)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora