orlando (slight smut)!?!

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"Wait you're in orlando?"


"come over."


i woke up to my alarm blaring through my hotel room, it was 11am and i stayed up till late with the guys last night. 

i got up and made my way towards the bathroom to shower after the shower i brushed my teeth and blowdried my hair and straightened it. i did neutral makeup again because its my favourite, i picked out a pair of beige mom jeans and a white top to go with it. i had to dress as neutral as possible for my headshots, which i had booked the appointment for 1:30 and it was now 12:05.

i went out for breakfast in a nearby coffee shop. i ordered an iced coffee and a croissant. i brought my laptop so i could finish editing the last few mins of my video. i ate and edited the video and by time i was done it was 12:45 so i called an uber and got an uber to the headshots photographer.i arrived at 1:10 and they were free so they just started our session early.

when the session started i was asked questions like what are you using the photos for? what industry are you in? what do you hope to achieve with the shoot? what level of comfort do you have in front of the camera? 

we then began talking about my clothes, skin tone, hair color and eye color to determine a good background color and good lighting.

after that we focused on my specific features and started considering things like my height, shoulder width, neck length, hairline/style, and how my clothing fits to determine body positions and angles that work best for me.

i then got consideration on my subtle features including whether my eyes are slightly different sizes or shapes, the angle of my nose, the prominence of my eyebrows, and what level of mouth tension i naturally have. these are just the things that help them determine what type of expressions will work best for me, and from what angle the light should be hitting my face for it to be the most flattering.

once we had finally finished all of that we had done a test shot to see whether the background and lighting worked for me and if i approved of it or not, there were a few changes including in my outfit.

the entire shoot took an hour and 20 minutes so after i left i had lots of free time so i went shopping while i could. when i got back to my hotel i got a phone call from sapnap.

"whats up?"

"just wondering if youre coming on today?" 

"aw does sap miss me?"

"shut up, its not only me asking karl is too and george" 

"well im just after getting back to my hotel and i only have my laptop with me so i cant play minecraft or anything."


"oh yeah i had headshots done so im staying in a hotel in park lake."

"wait you're in orlando?"


"come over."

"i cant"

"why not"

"becauseee i dont want the first time i meet dream to be for a few hours at most" 

"luckily hes not home till tomorrow then"

bane of my existence (sapnap x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now