Stefan, still disoriented, inquired, "Bonnie, what happened? Where are we?" His last memory was talking to Caroline about Elena's sire bond to Damon, and then a blinding flash of light had brought him here.

"In a cinema, apparently. Just wake the others, and we'll hopefully find a way to get out of here," Bonnie replied as she moved toward Caroline, gently waking her, and then Jeremy. Meanwhile, Stefan began to rouse Elena, Matt, and Tyler. The Originals, looking equally bewildered, were already up and disoriented, their expressions mirroring those of the others as they glanced around in confusion.

"What the hell!" Rebekah shouted utterly shocked, the last thing she remembered was being daggered by her brother, yet again. (I don't know if she had woken up by s4ep7 after Klaus had daggered her in s4 ep4 so do tell me if I got this wrong.)

"Rebekah," Klaus stammered, completely taken aback to see her standing before him. The perplexity in his eyes was unmistakable. There was no logical explanation for her sudden appearance. No one knew the whereabouts of the coffins that held his daggered siblings, and yet here she was, alive and punching him squarely in the face as she stood there fuming, a mixture of anger and tears in her eyes.

"I can't believe you!" Rebekah shouted angrily.

"Now Rebekah..." Klaus began but she cut him off.

"No! For once you're going to listen to me. All my life I've done nothing but love you Nik. No matter what you said, no matter what you did, I stood at your side. Always and forever right?" Rebekah scoffed bitterly tears on the brink of falling from her eyes but still she plowed on. "But it doesn't really matter what I do does it? It doesn't matter how much I sacrifice because nothing will ever be enough for you. I only wanted one thing from you, but even that you couldn't give me. Your love, your unconditional love but all I've ever gotten from you is indifference or a literal dagger in my heart."

"Would you prefer it if I just call you Klaus like the others? Is that how you want me to see you? Not as my brother but as the feared hybrid killer with a thousand enemies, someone capable of doing anything to get what he wants, no matter who he hurts in the process. I mean, you treat me worse than you do those you consider beneath you, so why should I see you any differently? We may have grown up together but you are not the boy who had a love for art and music, who used to make me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe, who gave me gifts just to see a smile on my face. God, I can't even recognize you anymore." Rebekah's words hung in the air, and while Klaus remained seemingly motionless, the stiffness in his frame and the subtle movement of his throat betrayed the turmoil her words had ignited within him.

"Ever since I woke up after you daggered me the first time," Rebekah's voice wavered with the weight of her words, "I've been so desperately searching for some part of you that truly cared for me but those moments only came when I did as you said or as part of your twisted games because I've come to learn you don't do anything without a reason, even caring for someone is never without a motive for you. There is only your goal, your future with your fake family, your obsession with being better than anyone else and your usual selfish ways. Did I emphasize your enough for me to get my point across? It's always about you, none of these great plans for your future ever included me did they? Or Elijah or Kol or Finn. That's why you had us daggered in boxes isn't it? So you can enjoy your life without anyone telling you what to do, a life where you could reign supreme, where there was no one stopping you from being the monster that you are." That word had her guilt rising as he flinched but she couldn't stop, she wouldn't. 

All these years, all the built in resentment she's kept hidden was just pooling out. Yes she understood many things he did, she understood that her choices in love weren't the best and that she could be naive at times. But then she didn't need a brother who would ridicule and mock her at every corner. His initial anger, she could grasp, but it had evolved into a form of cruel entertainment for him. While he saw it as a joke, the hurt she felt was real. For once in her long existence, she simply wanted to live rather than survive. She yearned for a life, free from the constant burden of wondering how humans with a mere century or so of existence managed to live more fully than she had in her millennia. 

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