Chapter 21: Treason

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***Sorry for the delay in a new chapter. I wasn't sure if I was going to kill Leia or not. But here it is. Update processing in 3...2....1....

All of a sudden I had this gut wrenching feeling as I turned the pack back to the pack house. Then the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up. As I heard a howl in the distance. Everyone picked up their pace. Kai being the Alpha went into a full on sprint. Alo and Tyee were right behind him. He mindlinked the rest of the pack that he could smell rogues and to remember their training.

In the field behind the pack house. Blood was everywhere. The first warrior we came upon, stated that he had managed to kill 3 rogues before he was crawled in the stomach.
Lena closed his eyes when he took his last breath. All I could think about was the premonition. So I took off towards the northern boarder. Explaining my actions. With everything in me I knew what had to do. I had to kill the Alpha gone rogue. Otherwise my pack. My new family would die.
Kai mentioned that 4 warriors in total had been killed. Mama Pen stated that she had just gone into the panic room. And set the code to seal it when the monitors showed intruders. The guards on the outside were killed with silver tipped arrows.
Cameras showed 100 rogues in the mountains. Amongst them, Gem. Who the rogues kept referring to as their queen.
Fucking trader. She will pay with her life. But it won't be a mercy kill. I'm bring her back to the pack. Back to the pack that took your mother in while she was pregnant and wounded. Who also gave Gem a home after your mother died.
Well if being a trader to her pack is what she wants her final act to be. Then treason is the name of the game.
I heard crunching of leaves to me left side. And as I looked to my left. Blind sided by a wolf from my right side. We collide and flip head over feet twice. I manage to get back to my feet even though my ribs are now throbbing.
Shit I need to use my wolf ears or I'm going to die out here.
I take off running again. Looking straight ahead I hear another wolf has join into my chase. My only advantage is that I have always been quick.
Even in human form I have always been fast. Once while training, Kai told Alo that I am probably the fastest she wolf that he has ever met. In a foot race Kai has been the only person or wolf who has beaten me. And even then it was was close.
I look over my shoulder as I turn to the right. Just a few more yards and I will be at the caves.
What comes next makes my heart speed up.
No it can't be.
I thought I killed her during my kidnapping.
How is it possible that Marcus' mate is still alive.
She smirks as I stumble a little bit.
No bitch she growled out. Jessa was my twin sister. Marcus told me how you killed her. Just wait until we catch you. You are going to wish that Kyle has marked you and not me.
You took my sister. And then my mate. You stupid little mutt of a bitch.
I want your blood on my hands so help me goddess. I am going to make you suffer for a really long time.

Having stayed in the cliff side caves for weeks. I knew that the first cave had a dead end to it. But the second cave had a small back entrance. I would have to shift into my wolf in order to get through it. But if cornered it was an option.
Into the cave I went with 2 angry wolves on my heels. I round the corner and the cave ceiling dropped down several feet. And I feel a pinch in me hip.
I know that this is the part where I have been pierced by an arrow. Based off my premonition. But no matter how much I expected to be shot. The searing pain still put me in a daze.
Holding my hip, I limp little. I can't keep my back open to being attacked. Turning around to back farther into the cave. I tear the bottom of my shirt and hold it to the wound. Knowing that the silver from the arrow may hinder my ability to be able to shift or talk to the rest of the wolves in my pack.
I must keep going. I know this is the only way. This is my purpose, no matter how scared I am.

The voice that calls out my name it's so familiar. But the hairs on the back of my neck that stand up, tell me that I am in danger.
When he calls out again. I know who it is.
Goddess why him? Why is he so hellbent on killing me?
Leia I know you are back there. Don't hide I can smell your blood. I can hear your heart beat. It's angering me more that you are not fucking listening little wolf. See Gem told me all about you. She couldn't keep her mouth shut about the new she wolf who came along and was going to be the Alpha's mate.
What she didn't realize is that I had plans for you. How do you think my wolves got to you the first time.
She has been my insider. Reporting back to me your every move. When she mated my nephew. She became my puppet.
Once I remove his mark from your neck and place my mark in the other side. It will closely start to kill him. And when he is at his weakest. I will kill him and take his pack and his mate.
I need wolves to replace the ones that you and his pack killed.
He yells. The timber in his voice tells me his wolf is close to the surface.
If I don't kill him soon. He will definitely kill me. Or worse.
Laying in wait. He comes close. Hiding behind a rock I wait for him to pass. I take a large rock. And slam it against the side of his face as hard as I can.
Grabbing by my arm he slings me against the wall. Stumbling he trips and falls over some rocks and hits the ground hard.
The wind is knocked out of me as I hit the cave wall hard and try to sit up.
I scrambled back across the floor. Trying to find my next weapon to attack with. But he is quick. Back on his feet. He is pissed and I know I have to fight.
If I don't kill Kyle now. This will never end. It's obvious the Royal Council have no plans of killing him. And he is never going to stop til he has me.

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