"There were reports of him... harrassing younger officers and tampering with evidence, anything that could....create a ruckus so that he could be the person to solve it."

"That sounds like a very fucked up mental illness." I commented.

"That's the point." He stated, looking back at me. "According to one health report, he was....diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorder, back in 2026."

"So the man's basically crazy?" I asked, bewildered at the new information.

"Not exactly. But yeah, something along those lines."

"Why was he not admitted to a facility?" I asked.

"He was and he was a diligent patient there for a while. But then... something happened which caused him to lose it again." Ravi said.

"What happened?"

"His younger brother died in a car accident." Ravi explained. "Apparantly it was a hit and run case. The other person got the case buried with their influence and his brother didn't get any justice."

I hung my head low, placing the pieces together. It all made sense now.

It was Siya and Kartik who had hit his brother that night.

"Anyways, when Detective Gomez heard about the news...he went completely berserk. And ran away from the institution."

"Where was he admitted?"

"In Kerela, why?"

"Veronica was admitted in Kerela too. Is there any way we can confirm if they were ever admitted to the same place?" I asked.

"Yeah, we can." He nodded in understanding. " I'll ask my colleague to find that out."

I nodded, falling back on the bed. Seconds later, Ravi came and sat next to me.

"We should inform the others." He said.

"Yeah. I mean...if this is all correct, then...it gives Detective Gomez a huge motive to be pulling the strings to this entire ordeal. For all we know, Zayn could be working for him."

"Yeah but I still don't understand....why you guys? Why not anyone else? Why is he targeting just you?"

I swallowed visibly and licked my lips.

"Dunno." I lied. "Maybe...he thinks that we're the reason he was out of his job in the first place....which you know....basically started all of this...and so..."

"Yeah....that does make sense." He agreed, without further queries. I heaved a sigh.

Suddenly, the door bell echoed from downstairs, interrupting the silence that had persisted after his statement. I took it as an opportunity to run downstairs before he could, avoiding his eye.

God knew I wouldn't have been able to lie through my teeth to him.

As I reached downstairs, I found Himanshu and Veronica at the doorstep. V was carrying a big red box with a silver lace bow attached on top of it. She and Himanshu exchanged a worrisome glance.

"What's going on guys?" Kartik asked, looking at the seemingly obvious stressed out state of the newly married couple.

"Yeah, and what's with the box?" I asked, furrowed my brows.

Veronica breathed. "We found this at our doorstep as we were about to head out."

Saying that, she placed the box down on the living room table and opened the lid. The rest of us, excluding the duo, peered inside.

Secrets And Lies [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now