Chapter 46 2019 The Final King

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When Tsukuyomi transform into Kamen Rider. They were surprised to see Tsukuyomi is Kamen Rider.

Another Decade: What...?

Geiz: Tsukuyomi...

Teru: She was gorgeous...

Haruka: Yeah, like savior.

Sougo: Okay.

She stop the time with all around even they can't Move, only Another Decade was able to move.

Sougo: Tsukuyomi...

Geiz: What are you doing?!

Akane: How could you...

Another Decade: What is the meaning of this, Alpina?

She walk to Another Decade and she bow them dhe de-henshin form.

Tsukuyomi: Nii-san, I have obtained the power of Kamen Rider. I am sure it will serve you well.

Another Decade revial back to Swartz.

Swartz: So you're cooperating with me?

Tsukuyomi: I am part of the royal family. In order to protect my world... I'll do what I must.

Swartz was laughing even they still can't move.

In Dark room

Woz:  The course of Tatsuki Sougo's actions allow Tsukuyomi to become Kamen Rider. However, she has made a rather unexpected decision. The World will end... Now, as we turn final page.

On the building, Swartz and Tsukuyomi was looking at the moon then talk.

Swartz: What were they planning after you become Kamen Rider?

Tsukuyomi: The plan was Tsukasa's idea. According to him, our world is about to fade from existence... Because it lacks a Rider.

Swartz doesn't know about she said Tsukasa's idea.

At Sakurada Castle, they went back to his castle and listing Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: If Tsukuyomi were become a Rider, her world would be spared.

Misaki: You said her world is spared...?

Tsukasa: Correct, we created a new world, Tsukuyomi's world, and exodus there.

Geiz: That's your plan.

Woz: And Tsukuyomi has become a Rider, as you envisioned.

Shuu: That much was successful, to say the least.

Tsukasa: But there are serven billion people on this planet. How do we relocate them all, exactly?

Kanade: So... What did we call this world?

Tsukasa: Let's call this the world of Zi-O...

Akane: World of Zi-O?

Satsuki: You call this world of my son?

Tsukasa: Yeah, this world has Zi-O, and the other one has Tsukuyomi... Their resonat existence will from all a bridge.

To Tsukuyomi...

Tsukuyomi: In order to do that, each world needs to have its own Rider.

To Sougo

Woz: In the end, our plan has been cast to the wind, as if drafted in sand. In light of Tsukuyomi's betrayal...

Geiz: Tsukuyomi...

Hikari: Why?

Back to Tsukuyomi

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