Chapter 22

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This chapter isn't finished but here you go<3

What? I got up and went to the mirror. My eye was glowing purple, my left eye was normally red, and my right was purple. Now both are purple. Wh-what the? Again M-Megs? I couldn't muster Megatron full name, but he came over to me and put a hand on my shoulders I fear this might have something to do with the dark energon Echo.

I felt scared but I was also curious about this. "Will I be alright" I said look into his eye which I just realized have been glowing purple too.

"I am sure you will be. You are not fully human anymore. You might have a few human parts, but Soundwave or your mother didn't tell me much? But-"

"Oh, what did they tell you?" I said even more curious than before, because I don't know much of my passed other than what I can remember? Which was me in my home town but recently I have been questioning myself how much of it was really real. Megatron put his hand behind his neck and said "I can't tell'll have to wait." picking me up and cradling me trying to distract me from the topic Megatron then walks over to the bed and lay down in the bed. I was lying on his chest, with his arms wrapped around me. "Megatron?" I said, deciding to drop the topic but I wasn't happy about it. "I love you." I heard Megatron growl happily. "I love you too, kitten." I nestled against him, my eyelids started to get heavy, and I fell asleep.

While I was asleep, I had a strange dream about the whole world ending. It started with the volcano Megatron took me to earlier and where he fought Optimus. that volcano erupted again, but the eruption ended the whole world. Earth was gone?! When I woke up, I wasn't in my room anymore I was curled up on Megatron's shoulder. We both looked at each other and we gave each other worried looks. We both saw the same thing. Then Soundwave and Arachnid came threw the door Megatron turned to them. Lord Megatron we Soundwave has found something very interesting? Arachnid said.

Then Soundwave showed us...well we heard this sound, it was beating like a heart beat. Nor me or Megatron like that noise. It was like being near a giant drum as someone banging it.

"Stop Soundwave....turn it off...I can still hear it pounding in my brain."

Megatron said covering his helm with his sevors. I did the same thing when I heard that was horrible I could hardly hear anything Megatron said. my dad turn it off. Once it stopped I asked why did that sound like a heart beat. Megatron answered my question swiftly. "Echo that sound was Unicron's heart beat," he said looking out at the volcano. Something seemed off Megatron knew more than he was as letting on Soundwave and Arachnid then left. Megatron was quite than he normally was, usually when we are alone we'd talk but he seemed bothered. like he had a question that no one could answer at this moment. I leaned on his helm a little bit then I got up and looked at his optics curiously.

"What?" Megatron said confused.

"What's on your mind Megs, you've been really quiet." I said worried.
Megatron sighed and looked away. He was about to tell me what was wrong but Arachnid came back in. "Fuck" I sighed quietly Megatron turned to Arachnid.
"What is it," Megatron said.
Lord Megatron the troop grow are weak as they mining the dark energon. I suggest that we

Hello peeps! Sorry to end it here I just been fucking classes are stress me out and I am trying to push threw the best I can I don't know if I will ever finish this story?!

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