Chapter 16

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This first part is a kissing scene I'll try to make I short an sweet  and my temper...sorry you didn't need to read that.

Without a second thought, Megatron lifted me up and my back was against the wall again. Megatron's hands were around my waist holding me up. I put my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I parted for air Megatron put his forehead against mine looking into my eyes. When I caught my breath Megatron kissed some more.

"Mmm, "Megatron groans. He then moved his lower body into mine.  the which took me by surprised his tongue had entered my mouth. Then we broke apart. I couldn't look Megatron in the eyes so I rested my head on his shoulder.

" was that too much," He asked. too Embarrassed, I nodded timidly with a sequel. Oh...sorry about that. He said

" it's fine I just wasn't to do that yet." I said as I tried to put my feet on the ground; I soon realized that Megatron was still holding me by my waist. My feet were just dangling in mid air, and my tail was swaying side to side very quickly, and it wouldn't stop.
"Hmmm...looked like you enjoyed that though" Megatron said as he put me down. Then he sat down on my bed with a smug look on his face.

"Shut up" I yell and walk over to my dresser to change into something more comfortable. I took off my ,wristbands and my suit came off...which I forgot I still had on, which reminds me I need to know what else this suit holds in it, like, weapons of something sort...I will ask Soundwave about it later. I changed into my pajamas.

 I changed into my pajamas

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I turned to see Megatron had his back towards me, but even with his back turned, he was still looking at me in the reflection in my sliding glass door. I grabbed the closet thing near me and threw it at him and yelled, "PERVERT" Without hesitation, Megatron caught the item I threw, but I just realized what I threw at him. It was my sports bra!! I rushed over to get it from him, but Megatron moved his hand out of my reach. "Hmmm... maybe next time you shouldn't have thrown your bra at me." I paused " Wait, you know what that is," I said. He snickered. "Well, yes, I did some research on humans. It's very enlightening."

I stood there for a moment, then just flipped on my bed, buried my face into my pillow, and screamed into it Then I turned my head to find Megatron lying down next to me. As was about to snuggle into him when suddenly I felt a sharp pain where the scar on my face was. Then the pain slowly moved into my eye I saw a scream in pain. It hurt really bad. I was about to rip off my bandage when Megatron sat up and grabbed my wrists. He was holding me down. "E-Echo, calm down!" He yelled. "I trying, but it hurts," I said as tears came to my eyes. Megatron wasn't saying anything anymore to help me calm down, and the pain slowly stopped. I sat up. Megatron was speechless. "Echo...your eyes they...changed color." I ran to my mirror, and I saw that the white parts of my eye changed to black. instead of my iris being brown, it was now purple. I took off my bandage to see my other eye It was black, but my iris was the same. It's always been red as long as I can remember. I stood there for a while. I then noticed my scar was partly healed, so I asked Megatron if he could help me put the bandage back on. It wasn't perfect, but it's fine. My stomach began you growl, so I went to the kitchen to get some food. I found some eggs in the fridge and made scrambled eggs. Megatron sat over on the other side of the counter. When I was done making my eggs, I got a plate and sat next to him. I was so hungry I ate my eggs really fast. I didn't take my time at all. Megatron rested his chin on his hand and said, "You're a strange creator, aren't you?" He said, "The first time you told me you were a technorganic, I didn't believe you at all despite having your tentacles, but when the Doctor told me again, I still was in shock." I didn't say anything. But I looked over at him and swallowed the last bite of food. Even when I was finished, I didn't know what to say. But suddenly Megatron was patting my head; then he started scratching behind my cat ear...I may or may not have started purring. He chuckled, picked me up, and laid me down on the couch. He said he needed to go outside for a bit to talk to Soundwave about Starscream.

I said, "OK," and then waited for him to come back. I fell asleep on the couch for a bit. When I woke up, Megatron had put his jacket over me like a blanket, and my head was on his lap. I sat up and looked around the room. It was still just me and Megatron. Without thinking, I put my arms through Megatron's sleeve of his jacket. I then felt Megatron pick me up and set me down on his lap. "Hello, my pet. Are you comfortable yet?" He said this, a smirk on his face...I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face so badly, but I was really comfortable in his lap. I soon fell back asleep, my head against my master's chest.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a nice day/night ฅ(^• ω •^)

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