Chapter 4: Sound Judgment

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As I waited under the berth for a few minutes that had passed. Then the giant door had opened and a very cool-looking robot stood in the doorway. I came out from under the berth. It waved hello to me, as I was about to ask what its name was. A tentacle came out from him to pick me up and I was put on his shoulder. Then it told me his name is Soundwave he said out loud his voice kinda sounded like the voice I heard from earlier in my head. he then I heard Megatron's voice but it sounded like Soundwave was recording from an old tape or something like that. As we walked out of the room I ask Soundwave if he really knew about my past and he nodded yes. "How?" I asked Soundwave. " We will get there when you are ready but I will tell you that I am your creator" he said with other voices that I didn't really recognize it sounded like a woman's voice. I look at Soundwave confused.

   "Do you mean Dad?" I asked

"yeah sure go with that Echo."Soundwave said

I sat there in silence for a moment "wait a minute is that why I can hear you in my head sometimes and why I have tentacles too." He nodded yes. Then we ran into Megatron who looked shocked to see me on Soundwave's shoulder. But when I saw him I coward under soundwave's helm. It seemed like Megatron expected me to react like that when I saw him again.

Megatron looked at Soundwave and said, "Soundwave can you keep this a secret between you and me that there's a human on board this ship?"

Soundwave nodded yes.

Megatron looked at me one more time "good now I have some business to take care of and make sure nothing bad happens to her while I am gone."Megatron had purple glowing crystal in his hand. I watched as Megatron walked by and I thought to my self what happened to make Megatron that...well..the way he is now. Soundwave spoke in my head... "That's a long story that I am not getting into right now kiddo." I crept out from under his helm to ask why but Soundwave was silent. Fine then can I ask you about how you can hear my thoughts and speak to me through them? He told me later he would and we walked into the room and another bot stood in the middle of the room and he was at a panel watching what looked like Megatron fly away. I then hid behind soundwave's helm so he would see me and as the bot started to talk I recognized his voice from the cave earlier. His name was Starscream.

Starscream: SOUNDWAVE...I worry that when Megatron reached for the stars that he came back with a touch of space madness. Lord Megatron has not been of Sound Judgment lately... increase your surveillance.

But then Soundwave played something that was Megatron's voice: quite groveling and await my command.

Starscream: I am not hard of hearing but if Optimus Prime lives I feel that it is in lord Megatron's best interest if we ensure his enemy's demises.

Soundwave nodded but when that happened I almost fell off of Soundwave, but then Starscream noticed me handing behind Soundwave's helm. Well shit, I thought. Starscream looked at Soundwave then me as Starscream was about to open his mouth Soundwave played something back to Starscream.

"This is Agent Fowler I am on route from the auto bot base I'll brief you in person."

Starscream: Auto bot base? Humans are always the weak link...fetch me this human called Fowler so he can brief us instead.

A little drone-like robot detached himself from Soundwave and flew off. Wow, that's cool I thought.

Then Starscream focuses back on me. Soundwave's why is there a human with you? You know what will happen if Megatron finds out he said, as he tried to grab me off of Soundwave's shoulder, but Soundwave grabbed Starscream's arm before he could grab me and played back What Megatron said: "keep this a secret between you and me that there's a human on board this ship."

Starscream stepped back in shock. He knows about the human Starscream said if confused. Then we got word that the Fowler guy was on board the ship and Starscream left the room to deal with that. And the drone came back and attached himself to Soundwave once again.

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