Chapter 8 Flash back

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When Breakdown came to pick me up I asked with curiosity if Knockout was street racing again he nodded and he picked me up and put me on his shoulder and then we went to the med bay. While I was hanging out with Breakdown I watch him work from his shoulder I was about to say something when Starscream had come in and asked where Knockout was. I didn't say anything to Starscream I just sat there and said nothing but Breakdown said "I don't know."
Starscream narrowed his eyes on Breakdown and said "He better not be out street racing again." As Starscream was leaving the room he glanced over at me and smirked. I got chills down my back remembering what had happened with Starscream.
The he left the room and Breakdown ask if I was ok? I told him I was fine but he look at me but decided to let it go. He went back to work on Megatron who was still haven't woken up yet. I was a little sad he wasn't awake but part of me is still scared of him. I looked at Breakdown and said you should probably tell Knockout that Starscream is looking for him...again. Breakdown sighed and  stopped what he was doing he said yeah we should. He won't really care though.

Yeah but it doesn't hurt to tell him...would it? I said with. Breakdown used the coms to tell Knockout about Starscream looking for him. Breakdown said Knockout Starscream's been looking for you...again.
Knockout did really seem considered because when Breakdown asked where he went. Knockout said that he went out for a little drive. I said yeah sure like you not gonna find another street race. Knockout was silent for a moment. Echo is that you? He said so you feel better I wish I could have helped you but I know nothing about the human body. An other chill went down my back I remember nothing about that part about that day when Starscream have...I shook my head and said it fine at least I am better now. Good Knockout said. It was quite for moment until knockout said Know about where I am well I went out for a drive, just roll from town to town, sniffing until... he went quite for a moment I look at breakdown who looked back at me we where thinking the same thing he found another street race. Then we heard Knock say The next opportunity presents it self. Breakdown went back to work on buffing Megatron he was almost finished.

Sometime had past when Breakdown had finished with buffing we had gotten a call from Knockout. He said he gotten bumblebee's human friend and Knockout said that when the auto bot attempts to rescue... He has a breakdown, Breakdown said laughing at the last past. I snickered at that bad pun Breakdown had just said. I looked at Breakdown and said can I come. Breakdown thought about it sure but when we get there stay out of plane site. I nodded and said will do. So We drove to a warehouse while knockout hid in a parking lot just outside of the warehouse. I got out of Breakdown and he transformed out of Vehicle mod waiting for Knockout to tell him to crash through the wall.

We waited for a while and I heard cars outside then it sounded like they transformed because I heard a loud clanky steps outside of the warehouse my heart was racing breakdown look at me a said stand back in a soft tone I did as he said then he bursts through the wall.
I could really see anything because of all the dust when Breakdown bursted through the wall. I watched from the big hole in the warehouse after the dust cleared as breakdown fought Bumblebee and Bulkhead then I saw Knockout drive away with Arcee standing on him she looked like she was suffering on him while he was driving away Breakdown was fight the others. He was beating the crap out of Bumblebee and Bulkhead...well until Bulkhead use a street light as baseball bat and hit Breakdown with it, then sending him flying into a another warehouse wall. When the others left I went over to Breakdown and asked him if he was alright.
With a grunt he got up and said he was fine despite being hit throw a wall. After that we went back to the Nemesis and meet up with Knockout he looked like he lost a pice of his arm. My curiosity was ball up in me so I ask what happened after he had left with Arcce on him. He told me that Optimus had ripped his car door off when he was in vehicle mode. I stared at his arm tilled my head a little to the right and said not an easy replacement? Knockout nodded yes and looked at me and Breakdown. then the doors   opened to a not so happy starscream he was hunched over with his arms behind his back he turned to us and the first thing he said was KNOCKOUT...Was I not clear you have ignored my orders yet  again.

my mistake commander Starscream I have learned my lesson and paid the price Knockout said as he grasps his arm with the missing part. Starscream walk towards knockout and said to be even more angrier then before IT IS LORD... and you will paid the price when I say you have. I looked at Breakdown we knew nothing good is going to come out of this Because Starscram looked at Knockout with an evil look in his eye as he use his pointer digit then said don't worry it will only be cosmetic.
Knockout tried to step back saying No...not the finish...NOT THE FINISH! As Starscream scrape at his finish. Breakdown was wincing at the sight of this. But for me I had to cover my ears because of the horrible sound that Starscream was causing was like nails on a chalkboard.

After that Breakdown, Knockout and I went to the back to med-bay. When we got there Breakdown was helping fix Knockout's finish while I was chilling on Megatron's shoulder but while I was sitting there I noticed that Megatron had a hole in his chest. I started to wondering if that was from the blast from the space bridge or if something was supposed to be there. My thought where interrupted my Knockout yelling "Hey be careful!" Breakdown had replied with "I am being carful..your the one who won't stop moving." I snickered at that because they sounded like a couple arguing. Knockout looked at me and just rolled his eyes and said what's so funny Echo?
I looked a way and said " nothing just thinking of something," Knockout still looking at me narrowed his eye then said "do I even want to know what's going on in that human head for yours," the conversation stopped when Soundwave came into get me. Using the tentacle to launch myself to Soundwave.
Knockout looks at me and said "show off."

Breakdown who was done with Knockout's finish said "Keep forget you have those you should use them more often." As I was putting them away I replied with "yeah maybe I should" then I waved good bye to them as soundwave left the medbay and brought me back to my place which I called started to call it my hideout for fun. On our way back Soundwave told me he had a gift for me but I had to wait tomorrow to get it because mom had it, in her unorganized maze of a lab I wonder how she gets a round that lad or even knows where anything is, but beside that know I could stop thinking about the gift I stupidly ask Soundwave what it is but he said it was a surprise. Soundwave then opened the door to Megatron's quarters which kinda made me feel lonely. Even though he was a little me to me and we didn't have much time together I still miss him. He was the one who got my hideout made, I remembered how happy it made me when he suggested it.

While I was lying in bed I could stop thinking about Megatron. As I was lying there my eye lids felt so heavy I could keep them open any longer.

Hello (ω)_/

Thanks for reading my fanfic it means a lot to me I hope you have a great rest of you day/night!

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