Chatper 18 Adventure!

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Sorry if theses takes too long for me to write these chapters. I only write when I have the time.
Hope you enjoy  - Fox (^ω^)

When I got back into my clothes, I jumped into Megatron's arms and nuzzled my face into his chest. When I did that, he was sitting at the edge of my bed. So now I was laying on top of him my tail flicking back and forth. Megatron noticed he gently took my tail between his fingers. When he did that it sent chills up my spine and I sat up a bit.

"Mm...master p-please be careful w-with tail," I said.

"Mmm...really...what if I did this," he said Evily

He put a little bit of pressure on my tail. I hissed and squirmed; Megatron stopped. I yelled at him

Wining, I said, "I told you to be careful, My lord."

S...sorry that..wasn't my intention he said and rested his hand at his side then looked away from me.

"It's alright just be gentler with me please, "I said placing my hand on his cheek and rubbing my thumb against him.

Megatron turned his head towards me his eyes started to fill up with tears "Why are you still here...I-I tried to hurt you" Megatron paused and sat up I got off of him and sat next to him. "Others are scared of me, they only see me as a monster...a bloodthirsty warlord who wants to take over the world, but you," he said looking at me. "I don't understand what do you see in me."


  "WHY?" Megatron said confused.

I looked up at him and thought for a moment," I stayed with you because I see someone who hurting on the inside You have so much pain inside of you, and I want to help you, but if I am being honest, the first time I met you I was scared of you but then something told me you weren't gonna hurt me and if you did you didn't mean any harm."

At this point, Megatron was crying a little and was shocked at what I said he didn't know how to react or what to say. But I just smiled and put my arms out to him as if he wanted to hug me or lean on me.

He came right in for a hug but sort of tackled me a bit but I didn't mind. I put my hand threw his hair for a bit then we got under the covers. Megatron wrapped his arms around me. I put my head on his chest. He had stopped crying but he had shut his eyes, he then said "I love you Echo"

"I love you too," I said back to him.

after we collected ourselves Megatron went back to his cybertronian form because he got word of Arachnid and Starscream had returned... or just  Arachnid had come back. she was alone and Megatron was ferrous because she left Starscream with the Autobots and anything that Starscream knew about he could tell the Autobots what he knew about the Decepticons.

we left the room and went back to my hideout he wouldn't stop talking about it he kept pacing the floor he went back and forth. The only way to make him stop was by pushing him back onto the bed and pinning him to the bed.  Megatron went bright red and couldn't muster a word out of his mouth. I then kissed him on the lips then I plopped myself next to him because I would rather snuggle with him than do other...things.(*゚∀゚*)

The next day I hung out with Breakdown and Knockout I had fun with them sometimes, we got to go out and drive around Breakdown usually drives me around because he doesn't mind when I put my feet on his dashboard. Knockout yelled at me when I did it. One time we got into a fight about it, to the point where we stopped at the side of the road and started arguing about it. It was a pretty dumb thing to argue about but Breakdown thought it was amusing but he did beak us up after a while. To be honest, I enjoy going off-roading with Breakdown.

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