Chapter 36: Moving forward

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The governing council convened in the main community hall, the next day. With the injured man whose friends Identified as Paul in the hospital word had spread like wildfire around the shelter about the newcomer. Any hope of containing the situation quickly vanished as everyone become restless. It wasn't just the new face but the existence of said face meant that the entire world had not been reduced to an underground shelter. This knowledge rekindled hope that had long since burnt out. The flame awakening in the members of the community crashed everything to a stand still forcing the governing body to address the rest of the community.

Everyone gathered in the hall was engaged in loud conversation. Occasional bouts of laughter filled the air brightening the underground atmosphere. They were happy and hopeful of a better, dare I say freer, tomorrow. Looking down at the sea of eager faces, nothing gave me immense pleasure than being the one to break their fragile little hearts. My mother took the podium first. She waited until there was complete silence before addressing the crowd

" All of us, by now, have heard about the injured newcomer. What you may not know is there is not just one but four men." Murmurs erupted around the hall but she raised her hands and pressed on wordlessly reinforcing silence. "Two nights ago a few brave volunteers were tasked with investigating a disturbance right outside the compound. We managed to apprehend these men in order to find out about the state of things considering we believed that the surface was inhabitable. I was not among those that risked their lives to capture these men. Therefore I will let my daughter who was part of the group to speak."

My mother was many things, but I never pegged her as a politician. Her speech was loaded with political undertones designed to ease and control the masses while reinforcing her position. She used me instead of Marcus to ensure that the community was well aware of the important role she and her family played in everybody's survival.

She probably would never admit it to anyone but somehow she had thrived in the bowels of the earth. A lot more than she had on the surface. While my father was more involved in the broader workings of the community such as security and having breathable air my mother and the other mothers oversaw every other detail. They were in charge of pretty much everything from food, to exercises, down to the clothing for the community. Singling me out was just another way of ensuring nobody ever questioned her supremacy.

I stood in front of the community hating every second of it. I told them what we had learnt from the newcomers. I did not waste with introductions opting to go straight to the heart of the matter.

"It was not an adulterated atomic bomb that went off. It was a biological explosive that was meant to eradicate the infected. However not enough was know about the virus so they did not take into account it's enhanced ability to mutate in order ensure its survival. The virus interacted with the biological components that was meant to kill it but instead caused it to mutate. The mutations led to the rise of a new predatory species that are now referred to as Apocalypse. If it's not clear from the name, then I'll let you know. They are called apocalypse because meeting them is inevitable and like death they are not easy to escape from. So yes, the surface air is breathable and free from contaminants. However, if you are an unlucky person you might die before getting to see the first sunrise."

"What about the government?"

"What about the military?"

"How did the men manage to survive?"

"How can you be so sure if it is unsafe if we remained holed up here?"

"Maybe we can find a shelter somewhere on the surface."

The members spoke over one another as questions flooded the community hall. It was understandable, they had been locked up for so long without any hope of salvation. Now a ray appeared albeit surrounded by storm clouds and yet they disregard all but the light. Now, however was not the time to be foolish we had survived for so long due to our hidden location. Exposing ourselves would not end well for anyone involved.

"Look, I get it you want out but with a show of hands how many if you are confident they can go up against an eight foot giant and emerge victorious?"
The voices quieted down to murmurs. No hands were raised so I took that as encouragement to go on.

"Okay how about something smaller. Who here can vanquish a flaming apocalypse. I don't know maybe fight fire with fire." The lack of volunteers was not hard to miss.

"You can go outside but until we have assured our safety and the safety of those that we love, should you go outside you will not be allowed back in."

The hall was now completely silent. I had gone off script but unlike my mother I used terror to incite submission. Of what use was free will if we all got killed because some people could not handle their reality. It was not a wise choice for them considering some had newborns.

"Starting from today we are going to investigate at length the state of things on the surface. In the same spirit until we have found a new shelter or any form of civilization or lack thereof we will not return. The protectors" and I cannot believe I am using this word, "the protectors will be going for this mission. Anyone tht wishes to leave the shelter is more than welcome to join us. Everyone else is required to stay put. Even if we cannot make it back we will make sure you receive the information required."

Nobody broke the silence even after we were dismissed. There was indeed a lot to think about. As I packed my belongings my heart was soaring. Tomorrow could be the day I died but at least I would die free.

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