Chapter 1 : The Life

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Authors note; I want to thank you all for joining me on this journey...hopefully we will all fall in love with the characters depicted and we will enjoy this journey together. I welcome comments on how I can improve. First timer here so please be kind.

The family next door is at it again. The hollering and battering seem to increase in frequency these days. Maybe the wife didn't put enough salt in the food or maybe she smiled for too long at the shopkeeper. It could be that the husband came an hour later than he should have or maybe he had the stench of some cheap whore; her words, not mine. The reasons for their fights are becoming more and more idiotic as time passes however their fights grow more violent. Yesterday a knife flew out the window almost nicked my face, good times. They are the reason I open my windows at night, such entertainment is scarce, and missing it would be a bummer.

They are a young couple, just got married. I wonder how long they will last. Maybe they will kill each other before one of them gets to leave. I hope I see it, blood everywhere. The wife or husband trying their best to explain that they had temporarily blacked out from anger or alcohol. That the last thing they remembered was arguing and the next thing they heard was the police sirens. My money is on the wife I see the way she looks at me when I pass close to her husband she has murder in her mind. I want to be her friend.

My wall shook from impact from the other side the lack of screams means the wife was the one who threw something that probably missed the husband and landed on the wall. From the vibrations on my end, it must have been something heavy, you go girl! The noise woke up my boyfriend who had been out cold. God damn it! I had to stuff his mouth before he fully came around. I grabbed the expensive scarf that he had given me as a present and shoved it down his throat just as he was about to scream. The scarf muffed his screams reducing them to barely audible whispers of terror.

His eyes darted left and right trying and failing to fully gauge the situation and finally settling for looking at me with pleading eyes. Of course, he could not remember how he had ended up tied to my bed unable to move a muscle. A surprisingly helpful YouTube tutorial on how to make chloroform at home helped with that. A kiss with a twist is what I will always fondly call it. It started with a kiss and ended up with him unconscious. Both his legs and hand were bound together with a rope that went around his torso restricting all and every movement. The rope had been expensive and another tutorial later I was an expert on tying immovable knots. The things one could learn from the internet these days were immeasurable.

He began struggling against the ropes, twisting his body violently as he attempted to set himself free. He looked like a tapeworm trying to crawl out of somebody's ass. Thrashing left and right, wriggling back and forth, truly entertaining stuff. I watched fascinated by just how much pain his body could take before he gave up on attempting to escape. There was no way the rope would give way, I made sure of that. He struggled for five more minutes which allowed me to make an egg sandwich. I had skipped lunch in favor of seducing him to come to my apartment. I hated skipping meals, healthy eating habits were important.

He was a skilled master of playing hard to get and that was the entirety of his charm most of which had been reduced to shit. I liked him because I could never really have him. He was always closed off, giving off this air of alluring mystery. Like a cave filled with tantalizing and morbid secrets. Turns out he was a basic dog whose idea of fun was cheating on his wife and like the majority of useless men out here having sex with a younger female seemed to be some sort of accomplishment.

When I found out he was married after a deep dive in the web, he went from a world-weary lawyer who had seen the vilest parts of humanity and yet somehow managed to smile and love to a middle-aged man undergoing a midlife crisis and whose brilliant solution was to fuck a younger girl and mess up his otherwise perfect life. In other words, he went from a desirable mature man to an old and miserable fuck up. A fuck up that needed to be taught a lesson.

AGE OF INSANITY Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ