Chapter 25: Open wounds

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I watched him walk slowly towards me as if each step required an exorbitant amount of willpower. I resumed stroking the head of the still sleeping Leon. His eyes followed the movement, causing a vein to appear on his forehead. His disapproval meant nothing to me. It was his desire I craved. Yet the possibility of us having anything seemed to diminish with each attempt I made. He paused at the edge of the bed leaning forward as if he were contemplating joining us. My heart sped up at the thought. I wondered what it would be like, to have both of them in my bed.

"I talked to everyone and we all set to leave tomorrow. We need to pack up everything so Leon's help is needed." He spoke with a low voice cautious not to wake up the sleeping form beside me.

"Just Leon's help. What about me?" I whispered back the low sound drawing Leon from her light slumber.

"What...? What the hell man! What are you doing here?"

I remembered their first encounter with amusement. They never really got along after that. Leon stood up pulling the sheets with her revealing my naked body. Marcus did not bat an eye as he gave me a one over. Leon quickly realised her mistake and covered me up while glaring at Marcus who glared right back. At that rate they would become friends before they both knew it.

"You and I are going for another food run. Charles just radioed in, everything has been taken into the shelter now all that's left to do is get more supplies. The twins identified an empty plot that we can use to grow food. The seed we have may not be enough so we will also need to get more seeds. Phillip, Charles, Nigel and Marcel are on their way. They will rendezvous here in an hour or two at most so we can plan on how to get other supplies as well."

While Marcus updated me on the situation, Leon the manipulative narcissist decided to grope me. Her objective was clear as day and yet the usually level headed Marcus lost his cool multiple times as his eyes wavered each time her hands moved. She only stopped when he concluded.

"I can help you guys with that and I know exactly where we can get agricultural supplies. Everything including automated hydroponics system. I did agricultural engineering so I know a thing or two about growing plants."



Marcus turning down the proposal was pure stupidity on his part. We clearly needed Leon. Having someone knowledge was incomparably better than two fools following each other blindly in the dark.

"I would explain to you why we need her but, you are already aware of the reasons why. I will chalk up your refusal as self directed disapproval at what other people can obviously..."I gestured towards Leon "and easily achieve." The punchline hit home quick and he had the decency to look ashamed at himself.

"Fine you can come with us but both of you have to pack up your things now. We won't be coming back to the bunker, ever."

He stalked out the door and we quickly put our robes on. Leon went to her room to pack up her things and just in time as Monica, Susan, Rebecca and Ruth came into the room we shared. They had clearly been waiting for Leon to come with out.

"Thank god we are moving. I hope we have our own spaces where I don't have to sleep on the bed my sister had sex in!"

"Well, Rebecca dearest. I have had enough of you too and thankfully the shelter is big we might not even have to see each other. Aren't you just glad to hear that."

Rebecca's face fell as a sad frown took over her face. What she had said had been out if jest that much had been clear. However, my attempt at joking must have hit too close to home. Ruth tisked from behind me while Monica and Susan shook their heads at me. Normally I would have let Rebecca sweat it out despite my friends disapproval. Once again I acted out of character, easing her fears.

"Don't worry little one!" I called to the now retreating figure stopping her in her tracks " you are figuratively and literally stuck with me for the next decade. Be warned, you are going to see me around so much you will get sick of my face."

"Never!" the thirteen year old declared slamming herself into me.

I let her hold me for two seconds before forcibly removing her. We got down to business packing all our belongings while they asked questions about the outside world. I told them all I saw leaving out the sordid details. That tiny act of sympathy was added to my growing lists of weird behaviours whose root cause I had yet to determine. We finished packing our bags and we were joined by Leon. Monica and Susan exchanged looks while Ruth nudged me. I ignored all their inquisitive stares picked up my two massive suitcases and joined Leon.

Marcus and Kevin were loading their guns when we reached upstairs. Somehow Marcus had managed to convinced them to open the hatch to the bunker. While the rest scurried around in the bunker packing what ever they could get their hands on Marcus and Kevin had been checking their arsenal. I heard Leon breath hitch at the sight of the guns.

For someone who was prone to violent outbursts, Leon was a pacifist as heart. Not that she was incapable of defending herself. If it came down to a fight between me and Leon, she would take me down easily. Despite the fact that I was trained in multiple  combat skills, martial arts and weaponry. Leon's skills still surpassed my own by far. I picked up a loaded pistol testing it's weight in my hands. I would have gone with the pistol if a machine gun hadn't caught my eye. I handed Leon  loaded gun holster which she reluctantly strapped to her thighs.

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